Studying the different names for God gives you a better understanding of the Bible passage in which it is used.
With this download, there are 66 names for God/Jesus provided. In chart form, you’ll find the name, what it means, and one place you can find it in the English, Hebrew and/or Greek Bible.
This download includes Suggested Bible study and teacher ideas. A completed chart that features the name for God/Jesus, what the name means, and at least one place in the Bible where this name is used. The chart provided after is blank, except for the names of God/Jesus, perfect to use in a classroom or Bible study.
Susan Grant has been teaching children on multiage levels since 1986. Her first novel, The Bottle House was published in 2021. She has also published two devotion books, 100 Minutes with God and 100 More Minutes with God. The Boone Tails series are her debut children’s books following the adventures of a little red dachshund named Boone. Susan lives with her husband and little dachshund on the coast of Maine.
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