Political and religious parties went hand in hand during Jesus’ day. People of New Testament times held different views as to which of these groups were instruments from God and which were traitors of the Jewish people.
Jesus himself clashed with individuals with ties to these groups and yet, he actually called some disciples right from within them.
In this download, there is a fact sheet for each of the six groups (in alphabetical order). Afterward, you can find the same sheets with blanks that can be filled in during a Bible class or Bible study.
Susan Grant has been teaching children on multiage levels since 1986. Her first novel, The Bottle House was published in 2021. She has also published two devotion books, 100 Minutes with God and 100 More Minutes with God. The Boone Tails series are her debut children’s books following the adventures of a little red dachshund named Boone. Susan lives with her husband and little dachshund on the coast of Maine.
When something is broken, is it beyond healing? This short study will examine what brokenness is, how to introduce the topic and four pages of teaching notes. These include: 4 truths about brokenness to help in healing. Discussion questions are provided as well.
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