Digital Spotlight – Who Were the 12 Disciples?

Ever wondered who the 12 disciples were? What were their other names, their occupations and what happened to them after Jesus’ resurrection? Purchase here
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Independent Dependency

“For everyone you create to be dependent on you, you are equally dependent on them. Neither relationship is healthy.” – Alan Cohen When my husband and I were first married, I had a flat tire. Fortunately, I wasn’t driving, rather it was something I discovered when I went out to the car to run some
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Abandonment and the Soul

(Abandonment) is a difficult force to reckon with because the wounds abandonment makes are deep  and prone to infection.               In the poem, The House with Nobody in It (see poem below), Joyce Kilmer beautifully personifies the feelings of an old house that is no longer lived in and every time I read it, something within
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