
You are blessed

5) God cares enough to bless you. He promises it. He will “keep” you; building a protection around you.  He will always be gracious; giving you only His best, whether you deserve it or not. He gives peace to His children. Num 6:24-25
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God’s love is not conditional

Feel unaccepted, guilty, judged, criticized or unlovable? There is hope! God’s love is NOT conditional. He does not say, ‘I will love you only if…’ His love never runs out. God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Exodus 34:6 
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I will help you. I Promise

3) Exodus 4:13 Moses tried his way to help the enslaved Israelites in Egypt and failed. God tells him at the burning bush to do the job His way and promises ‘I will help you speak and will teach you what to say’. God will always help His people when they need it.
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You are Very Good

1) On the 1st 5 days of creation, God looked at what He did and pronounced, “It is good” BUT on the 6th day, after God created people, He said, “It is Very good” God cares so much about you that He labeled you as ‘very good.’ God Does Care
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Our Scars Can Tell Valuable Stories

It’s up to you to discover these wonders “The optimist already sees the scar over the wound; the pessimist still sees the wound underneath the scar.” — Ernest Schroder Everyone Has Scars When I was in fifth grade, I lived in a neighborhood that had no fewer than 8 boys. I was the only girl they allowed into their
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True Freedom Requires Responsibility

To enjoy freedom, we have to control ourselves. — Virginia Wollf There are so many stories I could tell about the things I observed and heard within the walls of my classroom over the last three decades. The first half of my career, I taught high schoolers but I have spent my second half with middle school kids.
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Entitlement is Dangerous

What to do about this infectious disease “Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants. When we think that we are automatically entitled to something, that is when we start walking all over others to get it.”  ― Criss Jami I have worked with teens and preteens for over 30 years and part
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Whining Benefits No One; Especially You!

Here’s what you should do, instead. My middle school students both delight and frustrate me; on any day, they pour out a portion of each in my classroom.  One day, as we were studying about Michelangelo’s art, a student raised her hand and asked, “What did he paint on the other fifteen chapels?”  On another
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Are You Afraid of Being Quiet?

Being Quiet is Powerful! “Sometimes you need to sit lonely on the floor in a quiet room in order to hear your own voice and not let it drown in the noise of others.” — Charlotte Wriksson All right, everyone! I am here to air a pet peeve of mine and I wonder if others feel the
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Weighing the Odds

A Reflection on 3 Mind-boggling, Near Impossible Events “If you set out in a spaceship to find the one planet in the galaxy that has life, the odds against your finding it would be so great that the task would be indistinguishable, in practice, from impossible.”  Richard Dawkins There are many days in our lives
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