
Love God; Hate Evil

35)  There’s just something that is intriguing about evil. Satan, the underworld, mass murders, etc. Ps 97:10 admonishes to love God and hate evil. Sometimes we need to place the evil beside the ultimate Good and realize how bad evil is.  
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I Rest My Case

34)  Rest is desirable, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Ps 91:1 tells us that rest is already available to those who commune with God. The company you keep can provide the rest you so desperately crave. Choose your company wisely.
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Our Days Are Numbered

33)  Our days are numbered. (Psalm 90:12) Scary? If we are God’s children, being aware of this temporal life is important; it helps us set our priorities. Besides, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8
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God Forgives and Forgets

32) It is not helpful when someone tells us to forgive                                              & forget. We cannot do this on demand. God chooses                        
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Want Rest?

31)  Do you find yourself in need of true rest and quiet? It comes from God alone because we can trust that He will take even the bad and make it good. He is in control. He will not give you more than you can handle.  1 Corinthians 10:13 
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The Voice of a Child

30)  When your child calls out to you in the middle of the night, you jump up, eager to help and protect. God also hears our cries, morning, noon and night; eager to help and protect. Cry out to Him because He cares about you. Psalm 55:27
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Being Still with God

29)  There are very few places these days that are quiet and still. It sometimes seems that people are trying to avoid being still but in being still, we can hear God speak to us through His word and in our hearts. I dare you to be still! Psalm 46:10
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God Cares About Our Broken Hearts

28)  Sometimes we mistake the fact that because God allows hurtful things to happen to us, it means He does not care about our broken hearts. He cares deeply and even weeps over it. John 11:35. He saves those crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
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God Knows Our Anguish

27) Anguish, fortunately, doesn’t come to most of us, often. When it does, others may know of its presence in our lives but in a limited way. God knows the depth of our anguish and will love us through it. God’s love comes at the right time! Psalm 31:11
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Are My Words Pleasing To God?

26) Ps 19:14 tells us David was concerned that the words coming out of his mouth were pleasing to God. I wonder how many conversations would not take place if we remembered this. May our words be pleasing to God.
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