
Do Not Worry

44)  Worry is bad for your body, mind, and spirit. Prov 12:25 Jesus went further to say in Matt 6:34 not to worry about tomorrow; he will provide what you need for today. Worrying is often about something we can’t control but God is in control.
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Get to Know God

43)  It is foolish to trust someone you don’t know. Getting to know someone helps you can decide if they are trustworthy. Proverbs 9:10 Get to know God; not others’ views of who God is but what the Bible tells us God is like. He is trustworthy
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The Big Picture

42) In crowded room, all you can see is what’s right in front of you. Sometimes we see our lives this way. Proverbs 3:5-6 God sees the big picture & we need to trust Him. It’s hard to do when all we see is what’s in front of us. Look up!
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Can You Be a Christian and Be Afraid of Dying?

The phone call came ten minutes before I left the house for a full choral concert I was to take part in; an evening that filled me with joy and anticipation for many weeks. Yet, with one call and eight words, they made a puncture in my spirit, threatening to leak the joy and anticipation.
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A Guard Over My Mouth

41) Ever said something and then regretted it? It’s easy to let our words fly out but we should  weigh our words. The Psalmist asked God to set a guard over his mouth. Ps 141:3 The world would be better if we are more careful with our words.
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The Value of Forgiveness

40) It’s easy to keep a mental record of wrongs we have endured. What’s hard is to forgive. Forgiving is letting go of the need of revenge and allowing God to even the score. Deuteronomy 32:35
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God Promises to Help If You Ask

39) Help! A single word that carries a strong message. Trying to navigate this life on our own is impossible. We need help & guidance. God has it ready for you, if you’ll just ask Him. Why not ask? What have you got to lose? Ps. 121:1-2
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Let Go of Garbage

38) Sometimes we hold on to things that are worthless and even time-bound. We need wisdom and guidance to discern between worth and garbage. Ps 119:37 Don’t gain the world but lose your soul. Mark 8:36 
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You Are Precious

37) Death is hard. When a loved one dies, we yearn for their presence once again. Ps 116:15 tells us that God is on the other end of this yearning. He loves it when His children leave this world & join Him. You are precious to Him
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The Gift of Love and Compassion

36) Much of what we see these days is anger, judgment & hostility. Ps 103 tells us that God crowns us with love and compassion. If God, Who knows everything about us, is compassionate toward us, we should give this gift to others, freely.
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