
The Prince of Peace

54)  We are now living in a world that is far from peaceful. I wonder if Amazon would crash if it offered peace for sale. Everyone wants it but only God provides it. It’s free; ask Him for it!
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Standing Firm

53) Standing firm for something is a choice; so is not standing firm for it. Isaiah (7:9) tells us that if we don’t stand for our faith, we are communicating what is most important to us. What are you standing for? 
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Mercy and Grace

52)  Forgiveness is a misunderstood thing. It involves mercy & grace. Mercy is not getting something you deserve (punishment); grace is getting something you don’t deserve (forgiveness). God washes our sins away; mercy & grace.  Isaiah 1:18
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Winners and Losers

51)  The successful ones on this earth are often determined using different standards than God’s. The fastest or strongest isn’t always the best. Respecting God enough to keep His commands is the goal toward eternal success.  Ecc 9:11; 12:13. 
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Others’ Attitudes Affect Ours

50)  We are told growing up to choose our friends wisely but this is also true as adults. Others’ attitudes rub off on us. Some people we have to be around so we need to be watchful that we don’t adopt their negativity. Pro 17:22
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God Tests Our Hearts

49)  We are told not to judge the motives of others Matt 7:1. But, the hard news is, God judges our motives (heart). Pro. 17:3. He is looking for its purity as one does with silver and gold. God knows that a pure heart is best for us.
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Sometimes Unanswered Prayers are a Blessing

48)  How many times have we pleaded with God for something we were sure we needed? Prov 16:9 tells us that we can plan all we want but God determines our steps. These steps might be difficult but they will always be for our good! 
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The Myth of “Sticks and Stones”

47) I’m not sure who came up with the Sticks & Stones saying about words not hurting. Proverbs 15:4 says words can crush spirits. The good news is, our words can also bring healing. What type of words will we use today? 
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Anger Management

46)  We live in an angry world. Many seem to have a hair-trigger temper. Proverbs 15:1 tells us the best response to this is to be calm. Our “gentle answer” can turn a volatile situation around.
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The Company You Keep

45) Many times, teens are urged to choose friends wisely because they are so influenced by their peers. As adults, we still need to heed this advice, in fact, Pro 13:20 says this is wise. Others DO have an influence us.
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