
No Call Waiting

 74) People are so busy these days so I am reluctant to take any additional time from their days. God has no such reluctancy. He asks you to call on Him and He always answers. He yearns to share time with you. Jeremiah 33:3
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Life is Hard

73) Some days I come home, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. This is true spiritually, as well. Life is hard; it’s a fact but for God, NOTHING is too hard. Lean on Him; He longs to hold you up.  Jer 32:17
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Forgive and Forget?

72) As Christians, we are commanded to forgive. This difficult task is even harder because we do not have the ability to forget on demand. God does not forgive on demand either; He chooses to forgive & remembers our sin no more. Rejoice!  Jer 31:34 
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Love Beyond the Grave

71)  Perfect love is powerful because it has a level playing field. You don’t move up the love ladder by actions, words, money, or status. God’s love is your just because you are you. This love is not conditional; it’s eternal.  Jer 31:3
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What Seems Versus What Is

70) Looking at a brown puzzle piece, it’s easy to conclude the picture is of mud. In reality, the picture is a mountain range, regal & majestic. God’s plans for you may seem like mud but they are always part of the beautiful good. Have hope!  Jer 29:11
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What Is Your Source?

69) Many words & thoughts are attributed to God, when, in fact, are contrary to Who He is. When someone speaks on God’s behalf, challenge it. Ask, what is your source? Don’t be passive & accept it. Truth will hold up to any challenge. Jer 23:16
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Don’t Mess With Me!

68) Jer. 20:11 tells us that God is my mighty warrior; He will NOT let anyone mess with me unless it will produce a better good. Feel alone? God has your back better than any human could ever! Because God is our warrior, we can face what’s ahead.
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Who is Dependable?

67) Who do you depend on to make your day good? Who do you turn to help you deal with stress? People will disappoint you because they are limited & fallible. Jer 17:5-8 tells us God is dependable. He will keep you rooted and strong. Trust Him.
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The Wonderful or the Good?

66)  At times we settle for good when God wants to give us wonderful. Is 58:11 tells of God’s satisfaction, strength and water from a spring that doesn’t go dry. Don’t turn down thirst-quenching water for a quick drink that must be repeated.
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The Light on Darkness

65)  Dark times will and do come our way. There’s no getting around it. BUT Isaiah 45:3 tells us there is great treasure in the darkness’s of our lives. Faith digs for this treasures that God supplies.
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