
How Long, O Lord?

84) Watching the news these days is distressing. From murder, abuse, natural disasters, degrading words and more. It makes me lament Habakkuk’s prayer: How Long, O Lord? When will You act? God’s reply, Watch and see. John said it best, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” Rev 22:20 Hab 1:2-3,5
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Is God Good?

83) When we ask, Why God? We are often thinking, is God good? God is our refuge when difficulties come our way. He IS good, even if “good” hurts in the immediate. He cares about you, always. Nahum 1:7
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Drowned at Sea

82)  God promises us that in his compassion and love, He’ll hurl our sins into the sea. Why do we go diving, trying to bring them back up? God has buried them; drowned them at sea. Leave them there. Micah 7:19
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Act, Love and Walk

81)  Ever wonder specifically what God wants you to do? It’s simple: Act justly (as God see justice; not your idea of it), Love mercy (not treating others as they deserve when they have wronged you) and Walk humbly (I am a sinner, saved by grace) with God. Micah 6:8
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Apologies Always Accepted

80)  When we wrong another, an apology is the starting point of making it right. God longs for us to come to Him when we’ve wronged Him; He will always accept our apology. Go to Him; He is gracious & compassionate. Joel 2:13
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The Gift of Mercy

79) Mercy is not getting a punishment we deserve. Daniel reminds us that we can come to God with our requests not because of our righteousness (you know, those filthy rags?) but because of His mercy. It’s a gift, not an obligation. Daniel 9:18
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I’m Not Who I Was

78) Looking back on my life, I cringe. Not for long when I remind myself that I’m not who I was. God has given me a new heart & a new spirit. He’s given them to you, too, if your name is in the Book of Life.  Ez 36:26; John 3:16; Rev. 20:15
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Redemption! An Expensive Word

77) God is in the redemption business. He wants to redeem all people, no matter what they have done. It’s His gift through His Son. No gift is yours until you accept it. Thank God for His redemption; it cost Him Jesus’ life.  Ezekiel 33:11 John 3:16
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God Takes No Pleasure in Our Pain

76)  For some, it is satisfying to see someone who has wronged you be given their “just deserts.” God NEVER takes pleasures in our pain or death; even when we brought it on ourselves. He loves us and wants us to do the right things. Ez 18:32
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Compassion, Each Day

75)  The act of compassion (and, yes, it is a verb) is scarce these days. It is a choice to see with God’s eyes rather than our judgmental ones. God’s love and compassion for us and others are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23
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