
Instant vs Eternal; Little vs Huge

93) Ask a teen if he wants an aging car now versus waiting two years for a brand-new car, many would choose the now. Jesus said in Matt 6:2-3 that we can choose to be praised now by man for our giving or give secretly and be rewarded later by God. Choose: Instant or eternal;
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Battling 21st Century Enemies

92)  Some adults model a trend for kids that worries me. They trash-talk their enemies or those who think differently. Matt 5:44 says this is not OK. We are to love & pray for our enemies. Being hateful justifies many of their behaviors. Instead, battle with love & prayer. It’s what God requires and it
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I Am a Murderer

91)  Have I ever been angry at someone? Yes. I am guilty of murder according to Matt 5:22. Why? Because anger is the seed of the action. Though it sidesteps legal consequences, Jesus said the thought is as bad as the deed. Our feelings and treatment of others grows from our thoughts. Read more here.
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Are You Hungry?

90) In Jesus’ day, the blessed were believed to be the powerful & wealthy; Jesus stated otherwise.  Matt 5:6 tells us the blessed are those who are hungry for righteousness (right-ness); these seekers & adopters receive God’s blessings.
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Skeletons in Jesus’ Closet

89) Most families have skeletons; Jesus’ family included: Tamar’s rape; Rahab the prostitute, murdered Uriah’s wife to name a few. It is vital to note that all involved in these “secrets” were covered by grace and forgiveness. The good news is, you are, too!  Matt 1
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Human Frailty

88)  Many in the Bible were asked by God to do impossible things. How cruel would it be if God required something we cannot do without giving us the strength of His spirit to do them? When God gives us tasks, He always give the means to do them.  Zechariah 4:6
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Being Rocked by God

87)  There are times, as an adult, that I long to be held and rocked when my spirit is overwhelmed. Coming to God with this need delights Him. He promises to quiet me with the assurance of His love. He rejoices when I come to Him. He feels this way with you, too. Go to
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Looks Can Be Deceiving

86)  Life can seem out of control & can give the feeling of hopelessness, at times but looks can be deceiving. No matter how bad it looks, God gives strength. He urges us to do the difficult things because we are not doing them on our own power. It’s all about Him. Hab 3:17-19 
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Footprints of a Murderer

108) Is there anything that God cannot forgive? David, a murderer, sought God’s forgiveness & was granted it, completely. He is described as a man after God’s own heart. You are not beyond forgiveness if you ask for it.  Acts 13:12 Ps 51
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Faith is Not a Feeling

85) Some think faith is a feeling but it is not. It is the mental assurance that the object of your faith will keep his/her word. You can relax because they are dependable. Only God can always keep His promises. Stand on this, even when your feelings say otherwise. Hab 2:4
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