
Where They Are

873) I have been given the gift of teaching and have done so for going on 36 years. One of many things I’ve learned when working with middle and high school kids is you must meet them where they are. You don’t walk in a classroom and say, this is how I am; this is
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The Downside of Compassion

Page 179 – The Bottle House Chaplain Miller clapped his hands. “You got it. Whena person is compassionate, he or she can give a valuablegift to those who are suffering.” He paused and clickedhis pen a few times. “It can feel comforting knowing thatsomeone else cares about what they do. The problemis, compassionate people sometimes
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Wasted Gifts

872) In teaching middle and high school kids, I’ve found through the years that when I ask them what they’re good at; they take a while to compile the list. If I ask them what they’re not good at, the lists are made quickly. After such an assignment, I tell them it’s important to know
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A Long Memory

871) I remember reading somewhere years ago that husbands need to keep in mind that wives have long memories. Yes, I remember where we were, what we were wearing and what the weather was like the day my now-husband asked me to marry him. This alone blows his mind. All he remembers is where we
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Go To the Source

870) When someone has ticked us off or wronged us, it’s easy to vent to others, declaring how wrongly we’ve been treated. Most of us like it when we have someone stand beside us and assure us that this thing shouldn’t have happened. In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus describes a better way to handle the wrongs
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Compassion Defined

Page 178 – The Bottle House Debbie thought for a moment. “If I’m compassionate, it means I’m concerned about the difficulties another person is experiencing.” “Good. Compassion is a first cousin of empathy. Now tell me how being concerned with another’s difficulties is a strength.” “It means I’m not talking down to them but sitting
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Always Looking Ahead

869) There are things in life that I don’t want to think about; things that will happen and I have no control over it. For example, I know that my little dog is probably not going to out-live me. I dread the day. There are also people that are dear to me that may die
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High Approval Rate

868) We place value or approval on people for multiple reasons. We might attribute value on people in our family; on people in our church; or on people at work. We may value the ones who are committed to living their lives with morals and biblical standards. But, what about the people who claim to
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The Never-ending Story

867) I get the idea, that what happens in this world is the end of the story. This thinking is far from biblical. There is a life beyond this one, according to scriptures, and it would be helpful for me to think of this more often. If I remember this truth, things that are like
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Different Kinds of Strengths

Page 156-157 – The Bottle House “Strength comes in different forms, Stefan,” Chaplain Miller said gently. “As you know, there is physical strength. Having the power to put one foot in front of the other sometimes requires more strength than a football player needs on the field.” Chaplain Miller paused a moment to let his
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