
If You Know You’re Thirsty; You’ll Drink

103) If you are parched, the most satisfying thing is water. Jesus offers the same satisfaction for your soul; living water. If you know you’re thirsty, drink! Jesus gave His life so you can drink. Are you thirsty? John 7:37-38
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Junk Food or Gourmet Meal?

102)  My mother always told me never to grocery shop hungry. Wise words, yet junk can seem so appetizing. It’s easy to indulge on junk because the gourmet meal takes effort. Jesus made that  effort by dying for us. He is the Bread of Life. Eat! John 6:35
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Beat Down or Build Up?

101)  We often view God through the lenses of how we view our fathers. This view can see God as only the Judge or maybe seeing God as an uninvolved Observer.  Jesus came to Earth not to condemn you but to save you. John 3:17
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Requests Versus Relationship

Celebrate the 100th mini-devotional I’ve put together for you. Thank you for all of your comments and encouargement. Here’s to 100 more: 100)  Ever wonder if God gets tired of you asking Him the same things over and over? He does not. He eagerly wants to hear from you because He wants a relationship with
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The Little Things Count

99)  If you want to discern what someone is made of, watch how they handle the little everyday things. If they are faithful, kind and just with these things, you can trust them to be the same way with the big things of life. How do you handle the little things? Luke 16:10
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Hard Words in Perfect Packages

98) There are times when we must address difficult things. The way we package our words gives them power or not. If they’re spewed out in anger, this package is rejected. Jesus spoke such words, packaging them in love because “the greatest of these is love.” Mark 10:21; I Cor 13:13.
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I’m the Greatest

97) The most powerful is not the one with the biggest weapons, strongest muscles or loudest mouth. Jesus said the greatest is the servant; the one who loves others. Love changes others including the one who gives it away.  Matt 20:26-28
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Yardsticks and Planks

96) “Judge not” are two words many quote from the Bible but few know this judging in context means to “determine value”. Jesus said measure your thoughts and actions, removing your planks before you worry about someone else’s sawdust. We are not always good value assessors.
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Easier Said than Done

95) Jesus said not to worry but it’s easy because worry is fear in disguise. Some dress up worry as planning ahead; others don’t give it a 2nd thought. If we spend our time getting to know God, we’d realize that He has all these things under His control. Don’t worry!  Matt 6:25-34
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Personalized Treasure Maps

94) We treasure many things & some cannot be bought. We treasure family, friends, pets, jobs, status or reputations. Jesus reminds us that our hearts or priorities reflect what we treasure. What does your treasure map reveal? Matthew 6:21 
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