
Property of ???

114)  As a teen, I wanted to move out and do what I wanted to but adults know you still have others that call the shots. If Jesus died in your place, you own Him your life. The price was His life for yours; a high price, indeed! I Cor 6:19
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How Can I Help?

113) I have noticed that people want to help when I face difficulties if they knew how. Rom 12:15 reveals this: Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those that mourn. Get right beside the person and live it with them. It helps!
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Suffering, Perseverance & Hope

112)  Suffering can make or break someone. If you allow it, suffering produces perseverance. Like an athlete, working hard to push through suffering (perseverance) brings hope. I made it through this with God’s help so I have hope to do so in the future. Rom 5:3-4
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Faith Is Not Blind

111)  Faith is a vital for Christians but what is it? It is not the act of closing your eyes & trying to believe. You have faith because you KNOW that what is said or promised is the truth. Don’t trust a stranger; get to know God. Romans 1:17 
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Use It or Lose It

110) Our conscience is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, it loses its ability to function properly. We also need to keep it healthy by feeding it the standards of God’s word. The Bible is the compass of our conscience.  Acts. 24:16
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Eternal Kindness

109)  Kindness may seem to be an endangered species but if you look for it, it’s all around you. God shows His kindness in providing everything you need with “joy” as the cherry on top! Rejoice! Acts 14:17
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I’m Dying to Love You

107)  Love is described in songs, movies, and books, but can it be defined this way? Ultimate love needs no words; when someone gives their life for you, there is nothing greater. Jesus gave His life for you. You are loved enough to die for. Rejoice. John 15:13 
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Give Peace a Chance

106)  Peace is spoken of a lot in the news. Everyone is seeking peace and finding little. Maybe you’ve been looking in the wrong place. The Prince of Peace is more than willing to share it with you. Just ask Him! John 14:27
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What You’re Really Made Of

105)  If you travel around the USA, you will hear all sorts of accents. You can often identify where someone is from by listening. Similarly, you can identify Christians by their love. Would you be carded b/c you couldn’t be identified? John 13:35
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Does God Care?

104)  Jesus wept at Lazarus’ tomb; does He weep for me? Yes! Though He knows He will make all things good for His children, it doesn’t mean that our pain is gone & that He doesn’t care. Jesus is the life-giver; let His love and care fill you.  John 11:35
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