
The Truth About Truth

124) Teaching middle school kids is tricky. Many feel that it’s ok to make a true statement about another solely because it’s true. They do not understand that if a hard thing needs to be said, it needs to be spoken “in love.” Truth must be wrapped in a package with love around it. Eph
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God’s Infomercial

123) “I have salvation for you; not because you earned it but because I love you. It’s not yours until you ask for it but know that it cost Me My Son’s life for yours. Call 1-800-GRACE.” Eph 2:8-9
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I AM My Brother’s Keeper

122)  Offering help isn’t always easy but we are commanded to help carry each other’s burdens. This means that we have to be selfless; thinking of others & what they need more than what we want. We ARE our brother’s keeper.  Gal 6:2
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There is Strength Because of Grace

121)  Grace is receiving something undeserved. God gladly gives out grace but you have to ask for it. He gives His power to do what He asks of us because we’re weak. We only have to ask. Have you asked?   2 Cor 12:9 
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Open House

120) When a person is trying to sell a house, it’s clean and clutter-free for an open house.  2 Cor 6:16 says that we are the home (temple) of the Holy Spirit. Are you clean and clutter-free? Confession cleanses. I John 1:9
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Want A Complete Makeover?

119) There are many products & procedures available if you wish to have a body makeover. What is we invested in asking & receiving God’s makeover of our souls? We can be new creatures from the inside out! What a deal! 2 Cor 5:17
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What Are You Looking At?

118)  It’s easy to focus on what’s right in front of us but this vision is timebound. It makes more sense to focus on the eternal; that which lasts. If we do this, it makes it easy to figure out what our priorities should be. Ask yourself, does this last?  2 Cor 4:17
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Season of Despair

117) If you are acquainted with despair, you know what a black hole it produces. You can feel dead on the inside but there’s hope; God is in the business of rescuing you & using your pain for good if you let Him. So, let Him!  2 Cor 1:8-9
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Disorder Versus Peace

116) Ever feel like your life is spinning out of control? If so, you can be sure that it’s not what God wants for you.  I Cor 14:33 tells us God is not the author of disorder & chaos, but rather, the author of peace. Which would you rather have?
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Temptation Escape Room

115) Temptation is an enemy for all of us. It’s best to avoid it but when that’s not possible, God provides the key to escape its grip. He provides, faithfully, what you need to fight this formidable enemy. Ask for help!  I Cor 10:13 
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