
Don’t Be So Surprised

134) Not all of God’s promises give us a reason to smile. God promises that if you are His child, you WILL be persecuted; ridiculed to martyred and all in between. When these things happen, know that it’s another example of God giving us a glimpse of what will happen and that He is in
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Contentment Is A Choice

133) Contentment and godliness are connected. When you realize that whatever God has allowed to come your way is part of His good plan for you, you can choose to look at hard things from His perspective. It’s a choice. To not choose IS a choice. I Tim 6:6-7
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The Difficulty of Redemption

132)  The good news is that God wants to redeem everyone. The difficult news is God wants to redeem everyone. It’s good when it is for me but what about when God seeks to redeem the most evil; the one who has caused me the most damage? God’s grace is for everyone. Perhaps we need
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Eternal Justice

131)  It’s funny that we often want God to zap those who wrong us but if justice needs to come in the opposite direction, we’re not so enthusiastic. God has our backs but He also has the backs of others, too. Eternal Justice. 2 Thess 1:6
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What Trail Are You Leaving

130)  We leave a trail behind us with everything we do. If we work diligently, it reflects who we are. If we do a so-so job, it also leaves a distinct trail. If we call ourselves God’s children, our work reflects on Him, too. What kind of trail are you leaving?   Colossians 4:23
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Give What You Receive

129)  We’re living in times of tempers, disfunction & evil but we need to remember that without God’s forgiveness, we’d be right in the thick of this. God gave us forgiveness when we didn’t deserve it; we need to give the same to others. Col 3:13
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Think About It

128) What we think about continually influences who we are. Think about things that are true, pure, right, & noble; they produce good things. What do thoughts of lies, wrong, slander & evil produce? Phil 4:8; Pro 23:7
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The Weight of Complaining

127)  The root of complaining is ingratitude. It is not the same as being an advocate for justice; instead, it’s focusing on what you don’t like, similar to a 2-year-old with a tantrum. Choose to reframe the unpleasant with opportunity. Phil 2:14-15
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Good Riddance

126)  Every once-in-a-while, it’s good to go through a closet and get rid of stuff that is unnecessary.  Paul teaches us that we need to do this with our hearts, too. Get rid of bitterness, rage, anger and slander. This makes room for us to forgive & be kind to each other instead. Eph 4:31-32 
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The Greatest Superpower

125)  What would happen if everyone in front of a crowd allowed no harmful words pass their lips or fingertips? What if they only said or wrote things that built others up? The greatest superpower is love. Love heals; hate destroys. Choose love. Eph 4:29
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