
Wise Guy

144) There are no guessing games if you are God’s child. If it is unclear what you should do about something, ask Him. God promises you wisdom but you need to ask for it. God’s waiting to give it to you. Ask.  James 1:5
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Instant or Eternal Gratification

143)  Ask a teen, “Now or later?” They will often say, ‘now’. There is much pain in the world we live in but God promises to use it for our good, to develop perseverance. The desire for instant gratification often hinders our walk with God. Allow the pain of now to make you a better
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Distracted Runners

142)  We see the horror of what distracted driving can create, & yet, many still do it. Likewise, with our walk of faith, we allow many things to distract us: worry, health, weather, relationships & more. We must keep our focus on the finish line where Jesus is waiting to embrace us. I long to
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You Don’t Have to See to Know

141) It’s easy to make the idea of faith difficult; it’s not. Faith is the acknowledgment of what you know without it having to be proven to you. I have faith the cup will fall if I drop it. I know it; history has demonstrated it. I have faith God will keep His word; I
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The Value of Blood

140) We are exposed to bloodshed regularly, on TV, movies, games, music, etc. This exposure is unfortunate because it cheapens the cost of blood. Blood shed for another is priceless and on God’s part, it enables us forgiveness of sins. Value blood.  Hebrew 9:22
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You are NOT Bothering God

139)  I admit it, I have a hard time asking for help but, honestly, it’s not because I think I can do it myself but, rather, it’s because I don’t want to bother someone. At times I get to thinking that my coming to God about everything is bothering Him. Hebrews 4:16 tells us God
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Biblical Encouragement

138) We are creatures of habit and the author of Hebrews tells us we need to make it a priority to encourage one another daily. This helps us continue to make the choice to follow God instead of veering off track. This habit benefits everyone. Hebrews 3:13
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Stay Away

137) Paul tells us to avoid people who stir up controversies, arguments and quarrels about God’s laws (& anything else, I might add) because their actions and attitudes affect ours. This is not being judgmental, this is obedience. Titus 3:9-10 
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Your Actions Are A Story

136)  Each of us are storytellers. The way we speak; how we treat others; our work ethic; and how we use the resources God gave us tells a story. When someone opens the story of your life, what kind of story will they read? Titus 1:16
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Right Beside You

135)  Ever wonder, where is God? When people betray you, disease visits you, when things happen that make you feel you have no value; God is right beside you, giving you strength, even if it doesn’t feel like it. He promises. 2 Tim 4:17
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