
Help Wanted

164)  Worried about your family or your health? “I will help you.” Worried about money, weather or anything you can’t control? “I will help you.” Don’t worry; don’t fear! God WILL help you. Ask Him! Isaiah 41:13 
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What Do You Expect?

163) Our expectations about life form over time. Experiences, challenges, and results all shape what we expect. Isaiah 40:31, tells us what we can hope or expect about the Lord. Do we believe the He will do what He says? If so, we will soar like eagles, run without being weary and walk and not
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Don’t Get in the Way!

162)  What if you were in a battle, with deadly enemies all around you? Would you stand still in the middle of it? That’s what God tells us to do when we find ourselves in trouble. Why? Because He promises to fight for you! Don’t get in the way! Exodus 14:14
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With Justice for All

161)  We all want justice; it’s imprinted within us. However, sometimes justice pinches when it’s required of us. God is just, which can be scary. He requires death for sin but the good news is, He provided the death payment in His Son. God is just but God’s love pays the penalty for it. Revelation
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The Way Things Will Be

160) It’s hard to imagine life where there is no bad, evil, pain, tears and death but it’s coming for those who are washed in the blood of the lamb. Think of the best things of our lives and multiply it by infinity; that and more is what the next life with God offers. Have
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159) Life can be fearful because it is unpredictable. You never know when illness, strife or death will hit. The good news is, God IS predictable. He always has been, is, and always will be. He is in control and will do what He says. Revelation 4:8 #DoesGodCare https://www.susan-grant.com
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Lukewarm Coffee

158)  I hate lukewarm coffee. Iced coffee is fine, as is hot coffee, but not lukewarm. God doesn’t want his children to be lukewarm in their commitment to Him. Be hot or don’t be at all. Lukewarm is attractive to no one. Revelation 3:15
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Follow the Leader

157)  Sometimes we think children are the only ones influenced by those around them but that’s not true. 3 John 1:11 says we need to imitate what is good and not evil. This requires us to be careful who we spend time with. We are influenced by others. 
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Liars and Hypocrites

156)  I John 4:20 plainly states you cannot love God and hate your brother. Our actions are a result of what we think. Perhaps we need to remember what God has forgiven us before we “destroy” others in our minds for lesser offenses.
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I Have Anxiety

155) Anxiety is real and seems to be sweeping through our population. It is a form of worry. We are anxious because we cannot control something. The good news is that God CAN control everything and, in His love, He allows only what’s best. Don’t worry!  I Peter 5:7
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