
An Invitation for Battle

174) I battle fear on a regular basis and have rarely won. It’s because my strategy has been wrong. I can battle fear successfully because I have asked the strongest Warrior to fight. You can defeat fear when you invite this Warrior into your battle. Send up an invitation. Psalm 34:4
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Battles Will Be Fought

173)  As a Christian, we do not need to fight our own battles; God will. He will right all wrongs; He will issue vengeance on your behalf. God’s interventions are in His time and His way. Isaiah 35:4
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The Pits

172) If you have ever been in the pit of despair, it is a horrifying and lonely place. God knows your pain and offers forgiveness, healing, redemption, love and compassion. He promises good things in spite of the bad we can experience. Have hope! Psalm 103:2-5
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Just Ask!

171) I find asking others for things difficult; I just don’t want to bother them. I have found, however, that if I ask of others (& not out of laziness on my part), many are glad to help. God desires to help you! Anytime with anything. Ask!
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Peace Covers Anxiety

170) We are living in a world that can be cold and mean. Anxiety can result when unpredictability is added to these things. Paul tells us to come to God with our anxiety; He wants to help with His powerful antidote, peace. He is in control; therefore, we can relax. Philippians 4:6-7
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Forgiving and Good

169)  We often hear that God will forgive us when we ask Him. That is HUGE. What we sometimes forget is that God is good, maybe because we often have a different idea of what good is. In His goodness, God forgives and because He loves us, He allows things that produce good. God is
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You Never Walk Alone

168) There are times in this life that are so dark, you think you will not make it another day. This is when you feel totally alone but that’s only a feeling. God promises He walks with you through these dark valleys. There’s comfort in this! Psalm 23:4 
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Meeting Needs not Wants

167)  When I was first married, money was so tight, I often worried about our basic needs. Now, I find that I confuse what I want with what I need. God promises to supply His children with what they need but it may be something entirely different than we expect. Philippians 4:19
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Cause and Effect

166) Cause: confess your sins. Effect: you’ll be forgiven. Why? Because God is faithful and just. The penalty of our sins has already been paid. Ask God to credit your account. Paid in Full! I John 1:9
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For Better or For Worse

165) Sometimes we unwittingly believe that God loves like humans do; He doesn’t. He loves us even if the best or the worst happens; and when the bad does, His compassion pours over us. Be at peace.  Isaiah 54:10
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