

184) We have a tendency to focus solely on what’s in front of us. This nearsightedness may keep us from seeing the situation from God’s point of view. Anytime God asks us to do something difficult, He will always be there with you, helping you do it. Deuteronomy 20:1
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Never Alone

183) Sometimes the most comforting thing during a crisis is realizing you’re not alone. This comfort may come directly from someone who walks beside you, who listens and cries with you, and encourages you to endure. God does all of these things. You are not alone. Genesis 28:15
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Decide Ahead of Time

182) Making decisions ahead of a difficult situation is wise. You can say to yourself, “If __ happens, I will __”.  This habit is thought-centered rather than feeling-centered. God wants His people to stand firm in their beliefs. Making these decisions ahead of time creates an unmovable faith. 1 Cor 15:58  
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Team Captain

181) Remember playground games with teams? The best were picked first and others were left until last. John 15:16 says God does not value one above another. He chose you, even when He knows everything about you. You’re not left out; you are chosen by the eternal team Captain.
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Boundaries Bring Prosperity

180) There is harmony when proper boundaries are set and honored. When a group of people obey God’s commands, these boundaries provide a prosperity of harmony. Harmony is a welcomed and valuable gift. Deuteronomy 5:33
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Shielding Someone

179)  Shields can bring to mind battling equipment. Their purpose was defensive protection. Psalm 119:114 tells us that trusting God’s words is like having a shield in front of us. If we believe what He tells us, we can defend what the enemy shoots at us.
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Rest Stop

178)  Rest is more than sleep; it is the physical, emotional and spiritual calm within. God promises us rest if we come to Him. By doing this, we are recognizing that He is in control, no matter what it seems in our world. Rest in Him!  Matthew 11:28 #DoesGodCare https://www.susan-grant.com
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Mining for Joy and Peace

177) Mining is the act of making a special effort to get something of value. If you wish to mine for joy and peace, the effort is trusting in God. It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know very well. Get to know God then you can mine for joy and peace.  Romans 15:13  
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What Are You Rehearsing?

176)  Musicians, actors, and athletes “rehearse” to improve. In a similar way, what we say (rehearse) to ourselves becomes ingrained. Use what you say to yourself to help and improve. What are you rehearsing? Psalm 42:11 
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Nothing Comes Between Us

175)  Love is misunderstood sometimes. It is not solely romance, feelings, or flowers; that’s only one type of love. Another is the selfless love that only God can give perfectly. This love is so pure that nothing can separate His children from Him. Rejoice! You are loved! Romans 8:38-39  
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