
The Burden of Anxiety

192) Anxiety comes to us in different ways and God wants to help us with it. He asks us to come with a thankful heart and tell Him all about it. We can be thankful that He cares, He understands and He helps. Come! Philippians 4:6-7
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Peace Talk

191)  If you look around you, peace is a hard thing to find, at times. Jesus promised we would have trouble in this world but He also promised that He has overcome this world. Be at peace; He is in control. John 16:33
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Bruised and Fading

190)  God does not promise us that this life will be easy; it will always hold hardship. In spite of this, God does promise to keep us from breaking and being snuffed out. He will bring justice and healing. Stand on this promise. Isaiah 42:3
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I’m Drowning!

189) Despair is a horrible place to be; it must be like drowning. Everything within you wants to fight until you’re too tired and you give up. God promises to save you in your despair if you’ll reach out to Him. He promises deliverance in His way and His time. Hang on. Isaiah 43:2  
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I’m So Tired

188)  There are different types of “tired.” There’s physical, mental, and emotional fatigue. Some of this descends on us because we think no one understands what’s draining us. Be encouraged! God never grows tired of loving and understanding you! He gives rest. Isaiah 40:28  
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Help My Unbelief

187) Faith can be a struggle sometimes. Life has a way of beating us up, periodically, and this is when we need a booster shot of faith. This comes from immersing yourself in God’s word; trusting that what He says is true, even when circumstances scream otherwise.   1 John 5:18
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I Gave Up Everything for You

186)  When we make sacrifices for others and they don’t acknowledge or appreciate it, it deeply hurts. I wonder if this is how God feels when He considers that He gave up His Son Jesus’ life for us, and some don’t acknowledge or appreciate it. The price paid for something determines its value. God paid
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Childlike not Childish

185)  Childlike faith which brings salvation is vital but our faith should not be childish. We need to know what we believe and why or anything can come along and shake our faith. Do you know what you believe and why? Ephesians 4:14
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Satan Repellent

214) Do you know how to be victorious over the bad things Satan sends your way? James 4:7 tells us to “resist” Satan. Resist means to stand firm against. We have access to the full amour of God. Eph 6:11. If you do this, Satan will flee from you. Believe God’s Word and not Satan’s.
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What You Need

213) Corrie Ten Boom writes that she was worried about having the ticket she needed for the train. Her father said he would give it to her when she needs it. God is the same; He gives what we need when we need it. Not before.  Phil 4:13   
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