
No More!

202)  This life has joy but sorrows seem to outweigh them sometimes. For God’s children, they have a lot to look forward to in the next life. No more death, sorrow, crying or pain. Gone! Rev 21:4
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Is It a Temporary Problem?

201)  It’s easy to confuse temporary problems with long-term ones. It takes wisdom to discern the difference sometimes. God says to focus on the eternal, not on things that are temporary. Simple words, difficult to do. 2 Cor 4:18
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The Little Things Matter

200) We have an opportunity to build trust in others by getting the little things right. When someone makes small things a priority, you can trust them with the large ones. God says the same things are true spiritually. The little things matter. Matthew 25:21
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199) Do you want to destroy any seeds of faith others may have? All you have to do is use your words to gossip and tear down others. James 1:26 says this makes what we believe worthless. Who would want to join forces with someone who claims one thing but their words tell another story?
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What You Say Is What You Are

198) The words we say reflect who we are. This makes me feel uncomfortable when I think about the things I’ve said. Paul tells us to get rid of filthy language and use our words to build others up, not tear them down. Colossians 3:8 Ephesians 4:29
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What We Have Done to Others

197) The parable Jesus told in Matthew 18:21-35 describes the mercy & grace God has given us. How can we then choose to not show the same to others? Letting go is possible when you realize that the wrong you have done to God is greater and yet He still forgives. Mercy & Grace
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You Did What?

196) When someone wrongs us, it is not unusual to run a message through our brain continually, restating what they did. This act makes forgiveness even more difficult. We need to act like God and remember it no more. How? By making the choice to play a different message in your mind continually. Easy to
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Right Fighter

195) God clearly tells us that those who are quick to quarrel & bicker are foolish. It is rare when one is completely in the right. Being able to look at situations as others do, helps us avoid conflict and keep harmony intact. Proverbs 20:3
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Who is Powerful?

194)  God said there are two things that are better than being a fighter and warrior; being patient and self-controlled. Meekness is having your power under control. Maybe if we demonstrated this more, our lives would be better and our churches would be crowded. Proverbs 16:32
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Have a Good Day!

193)  Want to have a good day? Watch what you say; seeking to say good things and not bad. We would have better relationships with others this way and we might be surprised to find we use fewer words. This is not a bad thing! 1 Peter 3:10-11
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