
God’s Time vs. Our Time

212)  Throughout the Bible, God reminds us that His time is different than ours. Considering eternity, what we are most concerned with is a miniscule blip in time. God promises our sufferings are for a little while and He will make things right. God’s timing. 1 Peter 5:10
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On Guard

211) I have a dog that is extremely loyal to me. Though only a dachshund, he can be vicious if needed.  1 Cor 16:13 says we need to guard our faith in this same way. We need to choose to protect what we believe, in spite of how life is at the moment.
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Don’t Think in Neutral

210)  When you drive a car, putting it in neutral makes the car more difficult to control. Our thinking is also harder to control when it’s in neutral. Col 3:2 tells us to control our thoughts and focus on God’s truth and not on the temporary.
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209) There is so much darkness in this life, it can be suffocating. Yet, if one small match is struck, the darkness is defeated. God’s children are lights; we may be the only light some people experience. Shine! Matt 5:26 #DoesGodCare https://www.susan-grant.com
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The Law of the Seed

208) If you plant corn, you will grow corn. If you plant doing the right thing; you will benefit from this. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy but God promises the harvest of “right” is worth it!  Gal 6:9    
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It’s a Choice

207)  Children have a lot to learn as they grow in this life. Adults continue to learn but regressing to childishness is a choice. Relating on a childish level is not what God wants for us. He wants us to put aside childish actions. Your life will be better if you do.  1 Cor 13:11
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Mirror, Mirror

206)  A mirror or still waters reflect our faces and yet we can forget that our actions reflect our soul. Do you want to know what sort of person you’re dealing with? Look at their actions. What are you reflecting? Proverbs 27:19  
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True Power

205) Some people think that the powerful are the ones that can yell the loudest and intimidate others. God tells us a wise person holds his temper and a fool does not. We don’t have to be doormats but in our dealings with others, being calm is powerful.  Pro 29:11 
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God’s Time and Our Time

204) Time is a completely different thing this side of eternity. We experience its dragging on, flying by and standing still. God promises that our suffering will only be for a little while. By faith, we must trust in God’s timing and know He is in control. 1 Peter 5:10
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In Spite of the Pain

203)  Sometimes the pain in this life is unbearable; we might curl up and wish to die. Job understood this but he also understood what he must do. He knew he had to listen to God and His promises and not his circumstances. God does not promise to keep pain away in this life but
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