
Eternal Reservations

235)  When you travel, if accommodations are hard to get, it’s always good to make reservations. We need to make spiritual reservations, too. God promises to hold our rooms until we get there. Do you made your reservations? John 14:2-3  
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God’s First Place

234) We live in a competitive world and 1st place is sought by many. God tells us that He rewards 1st place by a different standard. An old woman faithfully praying could be first, over a famous preacher. Seeks God’s standards & not the world’s. Luke 13:30
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Dry Your Tears

233) There is so much pain and hurt in this life, it can be overwhelming. Take comfort that this is not permanent; God promises to wipe away all your tears. All the bad will be gone, one day! Hang on! Isaiah 25:8  
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What Kind of Example Are You?

232)  As one who teaches kids, I wonder what type of a role model our public figures are. A better question is, what kind of role model am I? 1 Timothy 4:12 tells all, including the young, to be good role models. Easier said than done!   
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Stirring Up Hornets

231) If you poke a hornet’s nest with a stick, you’re going to get stung. That’s not a surprise yet when a person adds anger to a volatile situation, some are surprised that it doesn’t help at all. There is strength in calm. Proverbs 15:18  
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No Score Card

230)  There is nowhere in the Bible that says we have to “punish” others for their wrongs against us. In fact, refusing to keep “score” on other’s actions may bring more of a change in them.  This is not being a doormat (playing victim) this is “mercy”. Proverbs 19:11
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The Motivation Behind Anger

229)  We live in an angry world. Anger flairs its head in traffic, ball games and on our screens. 99% of the time, our anger does not bring others closer to God; it often does the opposite. Anger is an emotion we need to manage and not allow it a dictatorship. James 1:20
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In Feel Your Pain

228) As followers of God, we are given the ability to “gift” to others our empathy. We are asked to “suffer” with or “honor” each other. This doesn’t mean to “fix” things for others because that’s not our job. Support one another. 1 Corinthians 12:26 
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Spiritual Comradery

227) If you’re ever felt all alone, there is an antidote. In addition to God being with you, lean on fellow Christians. They are there to help support you. Not recognizing that you need others, regardless of the reason, is not God’s plan. Seek these people out. They are a gift from God. 1 John
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On the Watch

225) Sometimes we feel a false sense of security when we see a life guard or locked door. It’s not that these things are bad but they depend of fallible people or things. God’s watch over us is not fallible, so our feelings of insecurity can be conquered. Have faith!   Psalm 121:7-8
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