
The Security of Consistency

245)  There are times in life when your life spins out of control; that you cannot predict what will happen one minute to the next. When this happens, you can remember there is Someone you can count on. God does not change; He loves you always.  James 1:17
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The Tough Part of Good

244)  It is not difficult to be thankful when God answers a prayer or provides for you. What is tough is when God allows something unpleasant or hard in your life and states it is for your good.  Faith is choosing to trust God now matter what comes our way. 1 Chronicles 16:34
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The Healing Power of Compassion

243)  The Psalmist tells us that God is compassionate toward his people. The Hebrew word for compassion used in  Ps 145:9 draws a picture of a mother who cherishes and protects her child. There is healing in realizing you are cherished and protected by God
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242)  If you are shielding someone, you are attempting to keep them safe from something that is not. God is continually shielding us in the life; many of these things we’re not even aware of. Thank God for his guard over you. You are safe in his hands. Psalms 3:3
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Against All Odds

241)  We may have enemies and situations that seem to take their toll on us. Be encouraged, “If God is for you, who can be against you?” He is your biggest cheerleader! Rejoice. Romans 8:31
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Ignorance is Not Bliss

240)  In the book of Hosea, the prophet reminds God’s people that they need to be educated in the words of God. Studying and meditating on God’s words is needed on a daily basis. Ignorance is Not bliss. Hosea 4:6
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David and Goliath, Revisited

239) I love the stories of the Bible. The young boy, David prevailed over Goliath. Was this on his own strength? Our course not; he had God fighting for him and the good news is, we have God fighting for us, too. Have courage! There’s no battle God won’t help you with. Deuteronomy 31:6  
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The Difficulty of Waiting

238)  Waiting is difficult for everyone therefore it’s logical that God admonishes His people to have strength and courage. God’s timing doesn’t always come when you want it but you can count on God taking care of you right on time. Psalm 27:14
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Status is Overrated

237) We are often drawn to people that are like us. Similar goals, education, and status. If all we do is connect with these, we would be losing out. Reach out to those outside your typical circle. They have a lot to offer and you do, too. Romans 12:16
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The Power of Gentleness

236)  So much of what we hear, see & sometimes even say, are at the opposite end of gentleness. I picture myself standing at the airline agent’s desk, trying to get rescheduled for a connecting flight I missed b/c they arrived late. Anyone can fly off the handle but God wants his people to treat
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