
Spiritual Paychecks

255) Some people make the mistake of thinking that only those in full-time Christian ministry are doing “God’s work.” This is incorrect.  All of God’s people are doing His work. Your paycheck includes strength and courage. “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” 2 Chronicles 15:7
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The Best Way to Get Even

254) There will always be people that won’t like you; some will even act in a hateful manner toward you. Romans 12:20 tells us the best way to get even. Treat these people with kindness; offer to help them without malice. This is the Biblical response to our enemies and the best way to get
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253) Anything that comes our way in this life only happens with God’s permission. You are protected and when it seems otherwise, by faith we know that it’s for a greater good. Either way, we have much to rejoice over.  Isaiah 54:17
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Love Speak Louder Than Words

252)  In my experience, I have spoken with several non-Christians and asked them why they haven’t become followers of God. The number one answer is they don’t because those claiming to be Christians don’t act in a loving manner to them or in the community. Good works without love is really not a gift at
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The Living Dead

251) We all have experienced death whether it was a loved-one or someone we know or heard of. Death is not final with those who belong to God. Jesus stated He is the resurrection and the life. Have hope because death has no power over God.  John 11:25-26
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No Blind Faith

250) When God states He wants His children to live by faith, He doesn’t expect it to be a result of blind faith. If we only took the time to consider all God has done for us and all He promises in the Bible, we have a foundation for Biblical faith. Tell yourself, this is
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Bad Company

249)  Whether we like it or not, we pick up (and give back) things from those we spend time with. Paul encourages us to choose our friends wisely. In light of this, ask yourself each day, Do I want to be like . . . ? 1 Corinthians 15:33  
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248)  Have you ever noticed those who have no problem with asking for anything? I’ve never been that sort of person but sometimes, I need to ask! God wants His children to come to Him with our needs. Ask! Isaiah 33:2
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Destruction and Despair

247) There have been a few times in my life when I teetered on the edge of either destruction or despair. What I needed to focus on was that God allows these things into my life for good. He promises to always save his people from the pit of both these hard things in HIS
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A Time for Healing

246) Much of what we want healing from is not purely physical. Mental, emotional and even spiritual wounds can be deep and even get infected. God promises us He will heal all of our wounds but we need to remember that some of this healing may not come in this life. Another reason to set
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