

294) Some of us, when we were little, would hide behind our mothers, hoping to feel safe in a scary situation. As adults, many of us yearn for safety, as well. God promises to be with us and to strengthen us. This can mean we may not feel safe in the moment but God promises
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Body Builders

293)  I have discovered when I am discouraged, depressed or feeling all-around useless, all I have to do is build others up. In focusing on someone else, I have found that what I gain is exactly what I felt I needed in the first place. 1 Thessalonians 5:19
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Action Figure

292) Trust only comes as a result of knowing another. If you don’t really know someone, it’s prudent to reserve trust. God IS trust-worthy and the more you get to know Him, the easier it is to trust that He will act with your best in mind, constantly.  Psalm 37:5
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A Hunk of Iron

291)  Sometimes it’s easy to think that life will be less painful if you isolate yourself. In reality, it brings the greater pain of loneliness. We need each other to sharpen the iron we are made of. Being in the presence of others, good or bad, shapes and sharpens us. Don’t be just a hunk
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The Antidote to Coarseness

290) The words we say are a part of the pattern we have adopted. If you wish to eliminate coarseness, spend your time being thankful. You’ll never run out of things to be thankful for. Problem Solved.  Ephesians 5:4
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In Training

289) It is good to get into a habit of training. Exercise accomplishes so much that is good for us. In addition, spiritual training helps us not only on this Earth but in the life to come. Are you in training? 1 Timothy 4:8
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Embrace Dignity

288) Has dignity disappeared? Dignity means we guard our mouths (or clicks on electronics) and actions, realizing that they both tell others what we value. It’s easy to go down the path of the undignified. The other path toward dignity is difficult but God tells us it’s important.  Tutus 2:6-8
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The Importance of Encouragement

287) Encouragement is a powerful tool. It can make the difference between a productive and fulfilling life and one of isolation and depression. My challenge to you is not to evaluate how you may or may not have received encouragement but rather, how you can give it as a gift to others. Encouragement is priceless
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The Responsibility of Leadership

286) As leaders, and this would include parents, we have a responsibility to lead our charges and not abuse our power. Leading means you are on their level, encouraging them to follow you. You do not consider yourself better than them. The question is, where are you leading them?  1 Peter 5:3
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Eternal Scales

285) We are told in the Bible that each one of us will appear before Christ and our deeds will be weighed. Were they good or bad? We would have no hope if Jesus hadn’t died and covered our bad deeds with His blood. His life for ours; a gift that cost Him everything.  2
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