
Baby Steps

304) When a baby learns to walk, he is unsteady on his feet. If you continually hold him up, a baby does not learn to do this on his own. God allows us to stumble in this life but He will not let us fall. After all, we are His and no matter what happens
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Temporary Troubles

303) As much as we would like them to stay away, difficulties are part of this life. Some of these troubles are harder to deal with than others. The good news is, God is more powerful than any trouble we may encounter. This doesn’t mean they will go away in this life but God will
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The Lies We Believe

302)  One of the greatest challenges in the Christian faith is believing that we are worthy of God’s love. If we don’t believe we are valued, we are in agreement with Satan. He loves to convince us that lies are the truth. Believe the truth; you have so much value that God died for you.
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A Tongue-Lashing

301) James asks us the consider the fact that we can use our tongue for good or for evil. If I’ve been tearing down someone with my words and then I’m thanking God for something else, it makes me question the sincerity of my praise. God wants us to choose our words carefully. James 3:9
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A Difficult Commandment

300) As Christians, we are commanded to do things that are often difficult. One is that we are to pray for those who mistreat us. It’s amazing how your attitude toward this person will change as you pray for them.  Luke 6:28
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Call It What You Want

299) Have you ever noticed we have some many words for lying? A fib, a white lie, an untruth, deceptive and more. The hard truth is, either something is all true or it’s false. Two opposing statements cannot both be true. Seek to live in truth. It will make your life better. I promise.  Colossians
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The Fruit of Envy and Selfishness

298)  It’s funny how we don’t have to teach our children to be selfish. If we continue in this pattern and add envy, as well, there will be consequences including corruption and disorder. This is not how God wants us to live. James 3:16
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The Certain Unknown

297)  Knowing something and putting faith in it are two different things. Jesus said He will come back and gather His followers from the earth. He doesn’t even know when but you can be certain, God the Father does. I’m certain. Mark 13:32
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What Is Your Reward?

296)  As is sometimes the case, many teams for kids make sure that each player gets some kind of award. God will do this as well. We will one day stand before Him and we will receive our rewards based on the kind of life we led. What kind of award might you receive? 1
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The Perfect Example

295) God allows rain for the just and unjust and gives everyone sunshine. This is what grace is. He gives all of us good things we don’t deserve. He loves you! He is the perfect example of grace. Mark 5:45
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