
The Mire of Mediocrity

314)  As Christians, we are to offer God our very best. Allowing the mire of mediocrity into your life is a bad example to others. What you do in your day to day life is either a gift of worship or a mire of mediocrity. It’s your choice. Proverbs 22:29
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On Guard

313)  Integrity is important. This is made up of our values, decisions, conversations and judgment. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard it. It’s worth protecting and because of this, it’s a sought-after target of Satan. Be on guard.
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Comparisons Are Defeating

312) Comparing yourself and your actions to others is a losing game. What someone else does, good or bad is their business. God just asks for the stillness of listing to and for His guidance. That’s enough to do on its own.  Psalm 37:7
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Eyes on You

311) Parents watch their small children closely while they are swimming. Why? Because parents love their children. Just think, the God of everyone and everything makes it a priority to watch over you. Why? Because that’s how much He loves you. Psalm 32:8
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There WILL Be Devastation

310)  Sometimes we get the idea that because we are God’s children, He should spare us devastation. We are not promised this. Instead, God promises to be with us through the waters, rivers and fires of life. Cling to Him. He longs to bring you through.  Isaiah 43:2
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You Are What You Say

309) Words are powerful. Used properly, they can bring healing and encouragement. They can also shame and destroy. A person’s character is reflected in what he says. Maybe staying quiet more often is a good idea. Ps 37:30-31   #100minutes https://www.susan-grant.com
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The Stain Remover

308) Guilt is a heavy thing and its stains look permanent. The good news is, God is the stain remover. We are no longer guilty because Jesus’ blood removes our stains. He lifts the burden of guilt and throws it away; remembering it no more. Psalm 32:5
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Blood is Thicker than Water

307) If you mess with my child, you mess with me. Understandable. Did you know God says the same thing? He will not tolerate those that mess with His children. His blood truly is thicker than water. Proverbs 17:15
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More Powerful Than God?

306) If we are God’s children, nothing comes our way unless He allows it for our good. Nothing. No ifs, ands or buts. God is our father, protector, encourager and warrior. No matter what it seems like, we are safe in God’s hands. Safety, through grace, by faith. Romans 8:31
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Never Alone

305) Feeling alone can happen in the midst of a crowd, family, class or work. We all want to know we are not alone in our circumstances but sometimes, people forget us, are more absorbed in their own lives or just don’t care. The good news is we are NOT alone. God is always with
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