
Soul Eaters

324) As Christians, God tells us how to live our lives. He says to get rid of bitterness, rage and anger. These things eat away at our souls allowing a life of painful difficulties. Do some “housekeeping” and toss these things out. Ephesians 4:31
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A Fact of (This) Life

323)  There is so much suffering in this life. Poor health, death, broken relationships, spiritual ridicule. You can fight this fact but in this earthly life, these things will happen. When difficulties come our way, cry out to God for help and strength. He promises to give it to you. Peter 4:19   
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We Can Be Strong Because God Is

322)  People say they have each others’ backs but what do you do when your problem is bigger than people? You go to God. He is our rock. He will deliver us from evil. He will shield us when it’s needed. He promises. Psalm 18:2
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Heart Can Be Healed

321) Some therapists say that rejection is one of the most painful things to experience. It’s a fact, people have and will hurt us. God is not like people; He does not look at you and say, “you’re too far gone – I don’t want you.” He wants to heal our hearts. Ask the Great
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You Know Everything and yet . . .

320) How would we live our lives if we knew that anyone could have complete access to our thoughts, actions and motives? God knows all of this about us and yet His love for each one of us reaches the heavens. Rejoice!  Psalm 36:5-6
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Is There Any Justice?

319)  As a teacher of teens for many years, I frequently hear, “That’s not fair,” which is a lament for justice that adults yearn for too. Absolute justice can only be found in God and He promises He WILL, at the right time, make all wrongs right. Count on it! Psalm 33:5
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Your Sorrow is Noticed

318) Many of us harbor pain and despair. We wonder if this means we have no faith in God or if He is disappointed in us. Psalm 10:17 tells us God encourages us to cry out to Him. He notices our sorrows. Tell Him all about them.
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317) If a child is in the image of you, it means he/she has some of your characteristics. When we think of being made in God’s image, we share some of His characteristics but we must be careful to remember that we are limited. God is not. What is impossible for us is possible with
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The Worship of Giving

316) God has given us so much. Don’t think so? Make an honest list. Talents? Abilities? Provisions for life?  These things alone tip the scale toward “plenty”. As God’s children, we are expected to use the things God has given us to serve him. In doing this, we participate in the worship of God. Luke
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No Busy Signal

315) If you think about it, it truly is mind-boggling that God wants to converse with us. You call; He’ll answer. Every time. No busy signal. Why? Because you are valuable enough for Jesus to die for. That’s love!   Jeremiah 33:3
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