
Your Constant Companion

334) It’s easy to feel alone in your day to day life but the truth is, you’re not alone. The all-powerful, all-knowing God is present WITH you. No one gets to you without going through Him and if He allows it to come to you, it is for good, even if this good can’t be
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Who is Your Boss?

333)  Have you ever struggled because of a boss? If you have, you know that who’s in charge makes all the difference and this includes those of us who make ourselves the boss. God promises to lead us gently, giving us rest every time we need it. Let Him be the boss. Matthew 11:29
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Special Delivery

332) The Internet has made shopping a lot easier, especially for those that struggle to get around. Delivery services have a big job, getting the right packages to the right people. Fortunately, providing what we need is no difficulty for God. He always delivers what we need at the exact time we need it. Psalm
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Good is Always in Season

331) Watching the news these days can weigh us down. At times it seems like there is little that is good going on around us. It can make you wonder if doing the right thing in your own life will make any difference. God says doing good is always in season. Make the choice to
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Spiritual Energy Drinks

330) I love to be around water; they mesmerize me. Sitting beside a river makes me consider the source of the water & why it doesn’t run dry. Jeremiah 31:25 says God will constantly revive and strengthen us. This source of rejuvenation will not run dry. Drink deeply.  
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Prayer is Difficult

329)  I have always found prayer difficult. It’s so important to me to read my listener’s face, hear their tone of voice and sense more watching their body language. This is why our prayers are an act of faith. This limited communication will end someday and then we’ll see God face to face. Revelation 22:4-5
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What is God Like?

328) What is God Like? Psalm 103:8 gives us a small picture. God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Who on this Earth treats us this way? If you wonder what your value is, remember the Psalmist’s words
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We Don’t Know Everything

327)  In our daily lives, we see only a limited amount of reality. We do not know what’s behind the faces of those who wrong us. Hidden there is hurt, fear, frustration and more. This is why God tells us to let Him deal with others. He sees the whole picture and based on this;
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No Repairs Needed

326) We live in a broken world; one that will not be repaired. If we tried it, it would be the same as putting a bandage on a lacerated arm. Revelation 21:5 promises God will make everything new, including us and then we can say, “No repairs needed.”
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Put the Fire Out

325)  Anger is like a fire. It destroys everything in its pathway, including you. Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us to deal with the things that anger us daily. Keeping it a live is a choice we make. Put the fire out, today! 
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