
Visiting Hours

344)  When someone greets you with genuine happiness, it feels so good. Knowing you belong to the God of all the universe; Who knows everything about you but still delights in you is humbling. He longs to visit with you. Visit Him. 1 Samuel 12:22
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Heart to Heart

343)  Have you ever poured out your heart to someone and then, they betrayed you in reactions, confidentiality or worse? If you have, it’s easy to think God may do the same thing. Psalm 62:8 tells us to pour out our hearts to Him. He can be trusted 100%.
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The Choice of Contentment

342)  Contentment may seem elusive but it is, in fact, a choice. Acknowledging that God only allows what’s good into our lives, we can be content, even when life seems difficult. Choose contentment. Hebrews 13:5 #100minutes https://www.susan-grant.com
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The God of Dysfunctional Families

341)  Much of how we think and feel as adults stem from how we were raised. If you had a good childhood, it’s a blessing. For those who did not, there is hope. God promises to adopt us and give us a new history. He is the God of all families, dysfunctional or not. Psalm
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340) If you have ever felt all alone in your circumstances, rejoice because this is just a feeling. God promises to be with us always, regardless of how we feel, what is going on or what others may do to us.  Always. Matthew 28:20
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First Responder

339) God longs to be near us, and wants to listen to every concern we have. He does not, however, force His presence on anyone. Do you need God’s support and strength? Call on Him. He is the ultimate First Responder. Psalm 145:18-19  
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338)  There are some things that happen in our lives or in the lives of those we care about that we cannot fix. Yet there is something we can do; we can make it worse.  John 14:1 tells us not to stir up or agitate our hearts. Let’s not make the choice to be our
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The Gift of Friendship

337)  If you ever wonder if someone is a true friend, watch how they treat you when the ugly things of life strike. A true friendship is one where one supports another regardless of circumstances. This friendship is a gift from God. Proverbs 17:17
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Biblical Revenge

336) Have you been hurt, vilified or even hated by someone? The best way to “avenge” is found in Proverbs 25:21-22.When we treat those who have wronged us kindly, we are acting in the way that God tells us is the most affective payback. Biblical revenge is not only commanded, it’s powerful.
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An Act of Worship

335)  You don’t need to be at church to worship God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us that whatever we do: playing the piano, writing a poem, or caring for a baby are important examples. Choosing to use the gifts God gives us is an act of worship. Praise Him in all you do today!
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