
Fought, Finished, Faith

353) Paul knew what it takes to be wholly committed to God. We need to fight our sinful nature; continuing this night and day. We embrace the knowledge we can only do these things because we have faith that God will help us. Faith makes these choices possible. 2 Timothy 4:7
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Life from Death

352) A seed must die in order to produce life. It does not have the choice to fight death. John 12:24 reminds us we can choose to fight death but this is a waste of energy. We do not have the power needed to overcome death. Making the choice to end our fallible control of
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Keep Your Word

352)  Some labels people place on us are not bad. If you are known to keep your word, it is a valuable trait. Keeping your word is a reflection of God and how He keeps His word. What are you reflecting? Trustworthiness or dishonesty? James 5:12
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351) It’s natural for a mother to protect her child, even to her death. God promises that even if a mother were to relinquish her care and protection of her child; God never will. You are not forgotten. Isaiah 49:15
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Knock, Knock

350)  Revelation 3:20 tells us that God does not force Himself on us. He seeks our permission to enter our lives. Just think, the God of the universe seeks our consent and only then does He become our Father. God’s knocking. Will you answer?  
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I Promise!

349)  Psalm 91:15 tells us 4 things God promises if we call on him. He promises to answer us, be with us and deliver us from our troubles, and He honors us in doing these things. If these are true, why do we hesitate to bring everything to God? He cares for us and keeps
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Waiting Takes Patience

348) Have patience. It’s easy to say but hard to do. When we bring our cares to God, we must be patient. God WILL respond and provide what we need but only when it’s best for us.  Would you want 2nd best? Have patience. Psalm 40:1-2
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Rest Area

347)  Rest is different than sleep. Sleep primarily benefits the body but rest is for our whole being – body, emotions, and thoughts. Because of this, rest is sometimes hard to achieve. Matthew 11:28 tells us God provides rest. How? As we trust every part of our lives to Him, we can let go of
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Seek and Find

346)  Hide and seek is a game for children but sometimes we forget this. God does not hide from us. He wants us to seek and find Him. No games. This is God’s promise.  1 Chronicles 16:11
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What is Comfort?

345)  2 Cor 1:3-4 tells us God is the God of all comfort. This does not mean all our pain disappears (yet). Instead, this word is a legal term meaning, a summons to support. It is a legal binding God has made to support us always. That is comforting! 
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