

362) Grace is a valuable gift you can give to others or yourself. It means that you “give” something good to someone who doesn’t deserve it. In days where “you must love yourself” is so prevalent, grace is not valued. Beating yourself up is not a prerequisite of grace but a Biblical view of our
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Want to Lose the Race?

362)  Being aware of what’s behind you is prudent when running a race. Looking back over your shoulder is a sure way to lose it. The same principle applies to life. Being aware of your past is helpful. Absorbing yourself with your past stops you from moving forward and being the best person you can
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Mind Control

361)  It is wise to be careful who you let control your mind. There are many who would like to manipulate your thinking, including yourself. Let your thoughts be controlled by God. How? Live by the standards He has given us in the Bible. Colossians 2:8  
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Do You Want a Better Life?

360)  There is an effective way to verify that God’s commands exist for our good. Commit to spend a month following them as closely as you can and see it your life is better for it. Matthew 6:33  #100minutes https://www.susan-grant.com
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Two Cannot Be in Charge

359) If you try to run a business with two people equally in charge, the result will be continual conflict. If we are God’s child, He is in charge. If we act as though we are, there will be constant conflict. The more qualified should be the one to take charge. God is better qualified;
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The Power of Light

358) Have you ever considered that light is more powerful than darkness? You enter a dark room and when a match is lit, darkness disappears. The opposite is not possible. Jesus is the Light that defeats the power of darkness.  Allow Him to light up your heart. John 8:12
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Is There Any Evidence?

357) If you claim to love someone, you back this up by how you treat this person. If you claim to be God’s child, do your actions support the relationship you claim to have with Him? Words are easy, actions are not.  John 14:15
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What Is Your Source?

356)  We plug in a lamp because it depends on electricity to work properly. Without electricity, it is useless. The same is true for God’s people. Why do we think we can power ourselves to do God’s work? It would be as ineffective as a lamp believing it can produce light without electricity. Ask God
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The Sacrifice of Love

355) The most expensive gift I can give someone is my life. There is no greater act of love. As touching as this is, what is mind-boggling is that Jesus sacrificed His life for mine even though he knows everything about me – even the things I keep hidden. That is love. Romans 5:8
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Now or Later?

354)  We live in a time when we are used to getting things instantly. Calls, news, information- all in a click of a button. These things can influence us to misplace our values. It’s easy to be focused on the here and now but these things are temporary. We need to make our relationship with
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