

381)  As a teacher, one of the things that benefits my students the most is consistency. It brings security and boundaries that do not move. Hebrews 13:8 tells us Jesus is consistent – the same yesterday, today and forever. Rest in this security. 
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What is Forgiveness?

380)  What is forgiveness? Lewis Smede said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free & discover that the prisoner was you.” In the eyes of the law, a prisoner is set free because the sentence has been paid. Forgiveness of others & ourselves is a choice, the debt has been paid by Jesus. To
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Sick Bed

379)  Poor health is a difficult state to navigate, if only in the physical sense. Knowing that God has the power to heal is a blessing but it can also be a difficulty. Sometimes He chooses to and sometimes the healing is delayed until the next life. Either way, be encouraged. God is the Great
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Death Row

378) Imagine being on death row. You are guilty of murder and multiple other things. As your execution day approaches, someone who is guilty of none of these things offers to die in your place. Your cell is unlocked and you are free! This is the gift God has for you! Accept His gift.  Isaiah
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Harmony Takes Work

377)  In recent years, I have learned that harmony is not just the sound of complementary notes. Harmony is knowing the music, creating the sound in the mind and then telling your voice what to sing. Romans 15:5 tells us to live in harmony. This takes work. Know the Bible, create a life based on
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Great Obligations

376)  Romans 15:1 tells us we have a spiritual obligation to bear or help carry the burdens of others. The word “help” here is important. The verse does not tell us to take away these burdens, even if we could. Growth comes from enduring difficulties and having the support of others makes this possible.
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Taste and See

375) As kids, we loved it when a grocery store was giving out free samples. What was meant to encourage a commitment to purchases, was just a snack to us.   Psalm 34:8 encourages us to “take samples” of God. How? Take His word for something or obey what He has commanded. See what good it
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Want to Know What God is Life?

374)  As finite people, it’s hard to wrap our minds around the infinite – God. What is He like? To limit Who He is to our terms, He is: forgiving, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Even in this limited description, God is an awesome God. Nehemiah 9:17
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Rewards Worth Earning

373) It is hard to watch the news these days. Much includes anger and selfishness, and yet, doing what’s right, being kind and loving others, produces good things for them and ourselves. Some rewards cannot be seen with our eyes but God promises they do exist. Choose kindness. Proverbs 21:21
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Doing Unto Others

372) There will come a day when the eternal books are opened and your life is going to be reviewed. Will God find that you fed and gave drinks to others in need? Did you welcome strangers that crossed your path? Did you provide clothing, nursing and visits to those chained to their misery? These
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