
I Am, Consistently

411) Parenting is hard. We know that children need consistency but when your life is a mess, it’s not easy. God is consistent. “I Am” does not change. He loves, honors, forgives, disciplines and saves us consistently. Thank God!  Exodus 3:14  
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Different ≠ Righteous

410)  These days, it’s not unusual for someone to act in radically different ways. Many embrace different but different is not the same as righteous. Noah chose to be righteous. This is what made him different. Genesis 6:9
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Where I Will Show You

409) The life we live must be maneuvered with faith. God did not tell Abraham exactly where He wanted him to go. Instead He said, “To the place I will show you.” If you are honestly seeking God’s will, dare to take a step of faith, believing that God will show you the right direction. Genesis12:1
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God Does Not Change

408) Consistency as a parent or a leader is vital. God knows this, therefore we do not have to worry about how He will act or react.  He will always love, always forgive, always discern, always protect. God does not change. Malachi 3:6
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Peace, Quietness and Confidence

407) What price would you place on peace, quietness and confidence? All of these are a result of living a righteous life. Righteous means right-ness and no matter what society defines as “right”, God’s children can have these things because we know the Truth.  Isaiah 32:17
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The Winner Is Not Always First

406) We can plan all we want; train and drill for months but, in the end, God is the one Who hands out the victory. The winner of an event is not always the one who finishes first. Whether we win or lose, we can rejoice because God allowed the outcome.  Proverbs 21:31    
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Is God Safe?

405) If you are honest, you know that life is not safe. Bad things happen and no one is immune. When things go awry, we often feel unsafe but, in spite of this, God promises us safety and part of this may be found within the bad. God is in control even when it feels
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Everyday Blessings

404)  Psalm 5:12 tells us that the Lord will bless the righteous but sometimes we overlook these everyday blessings that God gives us. It may come in the form of a kind word or thought. It may be in something we read or in an interaction we have with others. God sends his children blessings
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Two on One

403) Sometimes we make the mistake in thinking that we can combat Satan. If it were one on one, this wouldn’t work. God tells us that we should put on the whole armor He gives us. This alone makes it possible for us to resist the devil. It’s really two on one. Ephesians 6:11
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Eye Witnesses

402) How could the children of Israel doubt God’s word after seeing their deliverance from Egypt? How can we also doubt God, when we see and recognize all He has done for us? We are eye witnesses of God’s faithfulness. Stand on this by faith, that the same God Who delivered in the past will
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