
Weigh Your Words

421)  1 Samuel 2:3 reminds us that God hears what we say and knows the motives behind them. This can be an encouraging thing but often it serves as a warning. Words are powerful. Will yours do good or cause damage?
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Monuments of Faithfulness

420)  Joshua 4:6 tells us that God instructed His people to build monuments whose purpose was to remind them of God’s faithfulness. This is so they could look at it and be reminded of the work of God in their lives. What monuments can you build?
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God’s Resume

419)  Deuteronomy 32:4 tells us what credentials God has to rule over our lives. He is a rock, perfect, just, faithful, does no wrong, and He’s upright. Try letting God call the shots in your life and see if it’s better for doing it.
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The Need to Know

418)  Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us that God has revealed to us any information we need to know. Anything else, we must trust that He is in control. Thank God for what He has revealed and for what He hasn’t.
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Clinging for Dear Life

417)  When little, my sister jumped into the deep end of the pool when my father wasn’t looking. When he saved her, she clung to him because her life depended on him. This is a picture of what we are encouraged to do with God. He wants us to cling to Him. Rest in this
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416) Life is full of choices; some more important than others. God offers us a choice between life and death; living with Him or eternal separation from Him. This choice must be made individually. Because of Jesus’ death, we can choose life. Not making a choice is making a choice. Deuteronomy 30:19  
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Used Gifts Reflect Love

415) Many feel that loving God is an act of prayer or worship. True, but don’t forget that making the choice to use the gifts God has given you is also a way to love and worship God. Dare to use your gifts as a sign of love. Deuteronomy 6:5
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Just a Preview

414)  God told the Israelites in Exodus 3:17 that He would bring them out of the misery of slavery to a land flowing with milk and honey. This is only a preview of when God delivers us all from the miseries of this life; bringing us into heaven to be with Him! “Even so, come
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It’s Easier to Do It Yourself

413) Working with kids, it would be so much easier to do what I ask them to do myself. Doing this is cheating them out of growth, knowledge and more. God often chooses to let us do things ourselves for similar reasons. It’s hard to accept it when God steps back and lets us grow
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God Hears Your Cries

412)  Do you think that no one knows the burdens you carry? When tears wash down your face, God sees. He is compassionate. He promises to be with you in your sorrows. Thank God! Exodus 22:23
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