
Word’s Reflection

441)  If you shine a flashlight on something, you can see it because the light reflects off of it. Our words illuminate what’s inside us, reflecting to everyone our character. What are you reflecting? Matthew 12:34
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How to Please God

440) Ecclesiastes 12:13 tells us what we have to do to please God. We are to fear Him, or respect Him, and keep His commandments. It’s really as simple and as hard as that!
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One Is a Lonely Number

439) Solitude can be a good thing. It allows us to be mindful of our thoughts, goals and more but God did not create us to be alone. There is strength in numbers. Being connected with those who share our commitment to God encourages and empowers us in our walk with God. Two are better
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Gloom and Doom

438) There is always someone around who seems to thrive on being gloomy about everything. When something happens that complicates our lives, they are quick to zoom in and proclaim all sorts of negativity. Setting boundaries with such people is a good and necessary thing. Job 22:13
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437) Everyone desires to be understood. Unfortunately, people are not very good at understanding us mainly because they cannot know our thoughts, motivations and feelings. God, however, understands everything about us and yet, He still wants a relationship with us. We’re understood! Job 12:13
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Praise Always

436) It’s easy to praise God when good things happen but the difficult thing is being grateful for the bad things, as well. God does not create the bad that happens in our lives but He allows them for our good. It takes faith to believe this! Job 2:10
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Satan’s Limitations

435) In spite of what he thinks, Satan is limited in his actions by God Himself. Though Satan’s handiwork is evident in our world, God is in control. This fact is something to rejoice in when we are feeling insecure. Satan has limitations and will be eventually cast into the Lake of Fire. Job 1:12
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Turn Away

434) Sometimes we get the idea that favorite Bible characters didn’ t have to fight temptations or making bad choices. This isn’t so – even Jesus was templated and by Satan himself. Job is called righteous in part because he made the choice to turn away from wrong. This turning is a choice. To not
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It’s All in the Timing

433) Have you ever considered the fact that you could have been born at any time in all the world’s history? You could have lived in Egypt with the Pharaohs or during World War 1. It is no mistake that you are alive during this time. God has you here to live out His purpose
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Need Strength?

432) Joy is a gift from God. We can experience joy when we take the time to look for it. It’s generated within when we realize all that we have to be thankful for. Joy gives us strength. Tap into it. Nehemiah 8:10
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