
Toll-free Calls

451)  The older folks know what a toll-free call was/is. Companies would pay for the call you place to them so you don’t have to. God does even better. He will not only answer your call, but He’s given you eternal rights to speak with Him. The price wasn’t free because it cost His Son
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Sunrise and Spring Rain

450) It’s easy to imagine that God is a thundering, angry God. He can be at times, but He is also like a gentle spring rain; refreshing without flooding. He is as dependable as the sunrise. Go to Him for refreshment of your spirit. Hosea 6:3
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No Hiding

449) I had a cat once that thought if her head was behind the sofa and her body was not, I could not see her. Sometimes we think the same thing about God. Jeremiah 16:17 tells us God sees everything we do. It isn’t hidden from him.
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On Guard

448) Guardian angels are given the spotlight by some but Jeremiah 1:19 tells us that God is our guardian. No one or nothing comes to us with His approval. God is on guard.
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Which Way Do I Go?

447) I remember thinking as a child that I wish God would send an arrow with a message attached to it when I needed His guidance. Yes, that would be nice but God does help us make difficult decisions. Ask Him. He will show you which way to go! Jeremiah 10:23
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Bragging Rights

446)  Being around someone that brags is a drag. What they will talk about is predictable: him or herself. God tells us that this type of bragging is not acceptable because any good thing we do is because God has helped us. He has bragging rights. Jeremiah 9:23-24
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What is the Truth?

445)  Truth has been distorted these days. There are those who teach there is no absolute truth; that truth is whatever you think is true. This is not logical; two opposing statements cannot both be true. Jeremiah 10:10 tells us that God is the true God; not half-way God; not sort-of God; not my idea
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God is Not Hiding

444)  I’m at an age now that I often lose things. I can look and look and look and not see my keys on the table. Jeremiah 29:13 tells us God is not hiding. Look for Him in His creation, people, creativity, and more. He wants to be found. Look.  
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Help Wanted

443) I find asking for help difficult. That’s unfortunate because some assume it’s because I think I don’t need it. In reality, I just don’t want to bother anyone. Jeremiah 1:8 states that God longs to help and rescue us from our troubles. It’s not a bother!
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Beware! Deception!

442) We know that deception is a trick thieves use to scam others. What makes them especially dangerous is that they use an element of truth in what they say. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that our hearts/thoughts can deceive us and we need to be aware of this. Getting into the habit of challenging what
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