
Are You A Blessing?

461)  In life, we can either have a positive or negative influence on others. God tells us that He wants to use us to be a blessing to others. We have the choice. Are you a blessing or not? Zechariah 8:13 
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460)  At times we can feel lost and unwanted, but the truth is, we aren’t. God not only will save His people but they will sparkle in His land. Not only are we saved but cherished, as well. Zechariah 9:16
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No Meeting Half-Way

459)  I saw a prince once, many years ago. We were not allowed to get anywhere near him. Zechariah 9:9 says the God of all the universe comes to us; He doesn’t wait for us to come to Him. He yearns for a relationship with you. You are loved.
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Hello, Honey!

458)  When I would call my grandfather, he always answered with an enthusiastic, “Hello, Honey!” It felt so good to feel important to him. Zechariah 2:8 says His people are the ‘apple of His eye.’ When feeling down and unimportant, remember this!
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Hang On

457)  Zechariah 14:9 tells us that the Lord will be king of the earth one day. What will it be like to have a leader with perfect wisdom, understanding, justice and much more? In time, God’s children will experience all of these, forever. Hang on to this promise.
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Out of Balance Scale

456)  Life has a way of weighing the scales on the side of difficulties but Zechariah 9:12 tells us God will place so many blessing and goodness on the other side, that it will overtake the bad. Faith is leaning on this promise when bad happens
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455) Someone once asked me where I lived. He was not referring to geography; he meant in time. Am I living in the past, future or now? God tells us He is with us right now. Yes, the past and the future, too, but the now is important. In any given minute in the day,
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Cross My Heart

454)  God does not need to say, “Cross my heart and hope to die” when he gives us a promise. He has already died; therefore he will keep his promises to us. Cross my heart! Haggai 2:5  
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What We Need

453) When you were a kid, did you eat too much of something and get sick? Haggai 1:6 warns us of not being satisfied with what we have. Contentment is a valuable thing; it is not based on what you have or don’t have. God gives us what we need, therefore we can be content.
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Know-it-all’s For Christ?

452)  There are those who feel the need to be a know-it-all and many don’t realize they are doing it. Zephaniah 2:3 tells us that the ones that have wisdom act in righteousness and humility. What would our world be like if everyone acted this way?
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