
The Price of Forgiveness

471)  Luke 5:20 tells us that God forgives – no strings attached; no price to be paid on our part. Jesus paid the price Himself by dying. Forgiveness costs everything but is given freely to us. He will never bring up again what He forgives. Rejoice!
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Here to Help

470)  Luke 7:16 promises that God has made Himself available to help us. Take a moment and think about this. The God of the whole universe is more than eager to help us. Don’t turn down this gift!
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Need Healing?

469)  There is healing available to us, through faith. This healing comes in different forms: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. God promises healing, either in this life or the next. Have faith. Luke 8:48 
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House Divided

468) We live in a world that is full of strife and anger. No family, neighborhood, town, country or church will be strong when it is divided within itself. Choose not to be divisive. Mark 3:25
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House Guest

467) As God’s children, we have a permanent house guest. The Holy Spirit lives within. Jesus called the temple a house of prayer. Putting these two together, it seems appropriate to have a continual conversation with this guest. God wants to talk with us. Amazing! Matt.21:13 
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466)  It’s easy to spend a lot of time mulling over the past or worrying about the future. Instead, Jesus says to only be concerned for today. That alone will fill up our time. Matt. 6:34
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Just As He Said

465)  In the world we now live, it isn’t always prudent to take someone at their word. But when it comes to God, you can always count on Him keeping His word. In light of this, we shouldn’t be surprised when God does that very thing, just as he said. Matt. 28:5-6
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464) I have a dog that literally watches for me to come home. This vigilance is touching but when it comes to people, Jesus tells us to watch out for those whose goal is to destroy us. How do you know which people these are? Look at their fruit or actions. These will reveal the
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463)  Have you ever stopped to consider how much of what happens in the day are blessings from God? If you take the time to look, you might be surprised by how many there are. Look! Malachi 3:10 
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You Cannot Out Give God

462)  Malachi 3:10 tells us that if we give to God what is His, He will pour out so many blessings on us, there will not be enough room to hold it all. You cannot out give God. 
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