

481) All of us have gifts and abilities that God has given us. He wants us to know what they are and then, use them. Don’t hide your light. Shine bright in world that can be very dark. Luke 8:16
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What God Knows

480) When I was little, I remember thinking, “Why pray? God already knows what I’m thinking?” This is true and yet; God wants a relationship with us. The reason this can happen is because God has forgiven us, even as we don’t think about our bad daily choices. That is forgiveness.  Luke 23:34
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Don’t Mess with Me!

479)  Luke 10:16 tells us that God “has our backs.” If people mess with us, God considers it messing with Him. Even when circumstances don’t reveal it, God will always be on our side. Count on it.
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It’s All in a Name

478) Have you ever considered that with all the names for Jesus and God found within the Bible, the angels announced Jesus’ name as Savior? God knew we needed a Savior and He provided this for us by sending His Son.  Luke 2:11
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Treasure Hunt

477)  You can tell a lot about someone by noticing what they value. These things illustrate what people think are important. Jesus warns again making priorities of things that do not last – such as property or prestige, Wouldn’t it be better to focus on the eternal, instead? Luke 12:34
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I’m a Worrier

476) OK, I admit it; I’m a worrier. Someone told me recently that worrying is a feeble attempt to control what happens. It doesn’t work and the time and energy I spent worrying could have been invested in profitable things. Note to self, “Stop worrying!”  Luke 12:25 
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“The Prayer that Never Fails”

475)  My all-time favorite author, Jan Karon, has her characters possess what they call, “The Prayer that Never Fails” and I think this is the perfect title. When we ask God for things but add, “Not my will but Yours,” we acknowledge that He has our best interests at heart. Standing on this promise takes
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What is Mercy?

474)  Mercy is a gift we can give others. It is the decision to let someone who has wronged us off the hook. A wrong was done & no penalty is given. God is merciful with us so how can we not be with others? Luke 6:36 
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Being Heard

473)  I believe there is a difference between listening and hearing. It’s so important to know we’ve been heard. Luke 11:28 tells us that God’s people need to hear Him and then, obey Him. This hearing is a two-way street. Hear, hear!
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Leaving is Only the First Step

472)  Luke 5:11 tells us that Jesus’ disciples left everything when called by Him. They did something else, too; they left and followed Him. Giving up things for God is only the first step – we must follow Him, too. This is making the decision to let God call the shots and not us. 
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