
Bodily Harm

491) 1 Corinthians 12:12 tells us that God’s children are all part of the body of Christ. If we harm anyone or treat others poorly, it’s as if your body is attacking itself. If we thought about this a little more often, perhaps we would take better care of our “body”.
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Love’s Track Record

490) The subject of love has permeated the entertainment industry. It is portrayed as hot, excitable, feeling high above the world. This might be and yet  1 Corinthians 13:4 reminds us that you can see love when someone is patient with another. The same is when someone is kind to others. Jealousy does not have
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Playing Favorites

489)  There was a time in my life that I thought that if someone like Billy Graham prayed, his prayers would more likely be answered by God than mine. I did not understand the words in Romans 2:11. God does not play favorites. He loves each and every one of us the same. Rejoice!
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The Wrath of God

488)  In these trying times, it’s easy for some to say that God is taking His wrath out on the earth. True? Yes and no. Romans 1:18 tells us God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness. Interesting to note, this verse refers to the actions of people. Until the end, there is always time for
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487)  Romans 8:11 tells us that as God’s children, we have within us the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. We are being restored to the spiritual condition we were created to have. This restoration is valuable; it cost Jesus His life.
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486) I have some good news for all of us. We are never too: broken, evil, helpless, judgmental, impatient, hypocritical and many, many more things that God will say, “Nope! I will not offer you salvation.” Never!  Acts 2:21
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485)  Acts 11:29 urges us to make the choice to help others around us. Some people are easier to help than others. We also need to be open to help. We weren’t meant to navigate through this world alone.
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A Marathon

484) I am not a runner but I admire those who are.  Acts 20:24 tells us our faith and work for God is a marathon, long-term. Like any long-term things, there will be difficulties, setbacks and victories. This race is not over until God says, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Keep running!
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True of False

483)  There are many today that believe that there are multiple ways to gain salvation.  Acts 4:12 says that this is not so. Think of an airport reporting there are multiple places to land a plane. What would the results be? Jesus said He is The way, The truth and The life. Salvation only through
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Can I Get a Witness?

482)  As God’s children, we are witnesses to others, even when we are not aware of this fact. What we do or say could be the difference that convinces another to accept or reject God’s gift of salvation. What kind of witness are you? Acts 1:8
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