
The Most Unlikely

903) I have written for many years and I have found it amazing that there are things I have composed, that I didn’t think were particularly insightful, that have resonated with readers. Because of this, I put my writing out there because I do not determine what God will use; he does. In Luke 5:
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God’s Broken Heart

Page 226 – The Bottle House “I think it can be a dangerous thing to give allegiance to someone or something blindly, especially in spiritual matters. This is how heartbreaking things like what happened in the seventies with the followers of Jim Jones come about.” (Chaplain Miller said.) “I remember reading about that horrible event
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Follow the Leader

902) Teaching middle school kids is never dull. Just what you think is a great idea to do with them, they poo-hoo it and, at other times, things you thought they would not be enthusiastic about, they embrace. One such area is games I play with them. The old time-tested games such as Duck, Duck,
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Action Not Reaction

901) As a recently published author of my debut novel, The Bottle House. I learned right away that I cannot just sit back and let people come to me (or Amazon or BAM) to buy it. Instead, I have to get the book before others’ eyes. It doesn’t matter how good the book is or
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900) Have you ever noticed that the people we feel drawn to are often those who have specific things in common with us? They might value a healthy lifestyle or a reckless one. They may root for the same team or that other one. It’s just natural to be drawn to others who share similar
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The Definition of Resentment

Pages 224-225 – The Bottle House “When you harbor resentment, it’s a dead end— emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The word resent originally meant ‘to feel again,’ almost as if you are saying to yourself whatever you resent over, and over, and over. This is bad because these feelings often lead you on a downward spiral
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The Dignity of Choice

899) Imagine that you have just moved to a new state. You decide to take the bull by its horns and you barge in everywhere, telling people who you are, what you can do and why you’re someone they should respect. How would this go over? Not too good, huh? What if God barged into
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A Level Playing Field

898) Living in the 21st Century, those of us in the U.S.A. are not as used to “classes” of people. We may be acquainted with these from viewing TV shows set in periods of time where this was more typical, but we sometimes think this “unlevel” playing field doesn’t exist in our country. Not so.
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The Trouble with Mary

897) Human beings are truly one of God’s most amazing creations. If you studied our brains alone, there would be no doubt that the mark of our Creator is there. The things our brains do are marvelous. I only wish I understood this organ better. One such amazing person is the Virgin Mary. Here was
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Who Is In Control?

Page 221 – The Bottle House Chaplain Miller stood while picking up the sky-blue bottle with Stefan’s name on it. “It’s clear that you hurt tremendously for your wife and your clients. God sees your pain, Stefan.” After a brief pause, he said, “There is something I want you to think about. Sometimes we give
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