
What Have You Given Up?

501) 2 Corinthians 8:9 tells us that Jesus gave up everything when He chose to walk this earth. He could have arranged to be born into royalty, a time of history that would have been easier, or to parents that could give Him every advantage. Jesus had none of these. Does He understand our difficulties?
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Rejoice or Tremble

500) There will be a day when all people of Earth’s history will stand before God. He will weigh all of our actions and inactions and see if we measure up to His holiness. This would be a terrifying thought if I wasn’t assured that God’s children have already been wiped clean with Jesus’ blood.
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Pull Up or Pull Down

499) Which is easier, to pull something up or to pull something down? Of course the answer is the latter. The same principle applies to those whose actions are beneath your moral standards. Be choosy who you spend a lot of time with. It’s easier to be pulled down.  2 Corinthians 6:14
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Peace Talks

498) There are days when I feel so much distress, confusion and conflict that all I want to do is go to a quiet room and cry. This may not be a bad idea but 2 Corinthians 1:2 tells us that God is the source of peace. If I sit back and reflect on the
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The Reset Button

497) Have you ever wished to relive a situation where you acted out of selfishness? 2 Corinthians 5:17 promises that if we ask for forgiveness, God hits the reset button. He makes us a new creature. You can now move forward with a clean slate.
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Strength in Weakness

496) Trying to portray that we have our lives together may give us the feeling that we do. Instead, it’s a coverup that only deludes ourselves. Daring to be vulnerable opens the door to those around us. Why? Because they don’t have their lives together, either. 2 Corinthians 4:7-11
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Hide or Seek?

495) Often people try to hide what they deem as unfavorable traits including motives. If we decide to be an “open book” about our lives, others will have more of a chance to see what our motives are. Why is this good? It gives us credibility, especially in spiritual things.  2 Corinthians 1:12
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The Greatest

494)  1 Corinthians 13:13 reminds us that the greatest power is love. It comes from God and is  a part of Him. The Greatest is not the one with the biggest weapon, mouth or military. The most powerful is the one who loves.
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Beyond Our Imagination

493)  Have you ever tried to imagine what heaven will be like? 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us that we are not even close to how heaven will really be. It is beyond our imagination. This gives us courage and hope.
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House Guest

492)  1 Corinthians 3:16 reminds us that God’s spirit lives within His children. If we made ourselves more aware of this, we might make different decisions.
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