
Word Are Powerful

521) It is far easier to tear something down than to build it up. Yet, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 admonishes us to build up one another.  Words are powerful. Let’s make the choice to use what we say to encourage rather than destroy.
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Speak and Listen

520) 1 Thessalonians 5:17 challenges us to “pray without ceasing”. Whether this is meant literally or not, the idea is the same. God wants to continually communicate with us. Wow! The fact that He wants a dialogue with us is even more mind-boggling. God wants to hear what we have to say, too. This communication
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Difficult but Vital

519)  I had a professor at Bible college say that he dreamed he asked God who was the human being that has done the most for Him. The reply was a little elderly woman. Curious, the professor asked what she did that earned this distinction and God said that she spent hours and hours in
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We Are Advertisements

518)  Most sports teams bring in a lot of money from selling clothing that advertises their name. We love to wear them as it communicates who we root for. What if we wore clothes that bear God’s name? How would our speech and actions be changed? Colossians 3:17
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You Have a Purpose

517)   Colossians 1:16 tells us that, as God’s children, we do have a purpose, we are created “for Him.” If we look at this closely, our decisions should be made with this in mind. It’s easy to get caught up in ourselves but that’s not our purpose.
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Meet the Press

516) Philippians 3:14 challenges us to press on toward the goal of pursuing and maturing in our relationship with God. This word, “press”, means to aggressively pursue this very thing. Living the Christian life is not a passive life but an active one.
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Every is All

515)  One of the promises in God’s word is especially breathtaking.  Philippians 2:10 tells us every knee shall bow to God in the name of Jesus. Just in case you haven’t reflected on this in a while, every means all. It will be an awe-inspiring sight when everyone in Earth’s history bow down before God!
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The Value of Peace

514) I have found when I have  to talk myself into something, it’s generally not a great idea. Philippians 4:7 tells us there is an even better rule of thumb: if you have peace about a decision, it’s a good indication that it’s endorsed by God. Peace!
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513) Our actions reflect the things we value just as a teen might want to sport a certain brand name. If we are God’s children, our actions reflect upon Him – for good or bad. What sort of endorsement are you? Philippians 1:27
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Contentment Is Misunderstood

512) Contentment is a misunderstood word. The word contentment as used in Philippians 4:11, means to recognize what is “enough.” God promises His children that He will provide for their needs but He does not promise to provide for every want. Contentment means we can sit back and say, “I’ve got enough” and mean it.
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