
Forgive Us Our Trespasses As . . .

542) I can remember reciting the Lord’s Prayer in church services for years but there was one line that concerned me. It was the “forgive us our trespasses as we have forgiven others.” I thought that this was a good reason to make sure I have forgiven and made things right with others. Easier said
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Brand New!

541) If you are at all observant, we live in a world that is fallen and broken. If you dwell on this, it’s easy to lose heart. BUT, 2 Peter 3:13 tells us that God has a new heaven and earth ready for His children. All wrongs, brokenness and evil will be gone! Rejoice!
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Expect the Unexpected

540) Life is full of surprises, and yet, some things are a surprise to us when they shouldn’t be.  2 Peter 3:10 tells us that Jesus is going to return to Earth and He will gather all of His people to be with Him. You can count on it. Expect the Unexpected.
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The Struggle of Grace

539) The concept of grace is something I personally struggle with. It’s hard for me to imagine a God, Who knows everything about me. still accepts me. If God gives me such grace, why can’t I give myself grace, too? Maybe that’s why 2 Peter 3:18 says we must grow in grace. It doesn’t come
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Time and Eternity

538)  It’s interesting to consider our perspective of time. We all have 24 hours each day but some days seem longer than others. God’s perspective of time is different because He knows what eternity means. Putting these two facts together, it’s easy for us to think God isn’t answering. Perhaps a better way of thinking
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Playing Defense

537) God’s children have an enemy. Satan is not a being we need to casually dismiss. 1 Peter 5:8 compares Satan to a roaring, preparing for the fight to the death, lion. We need to be ready, continually, to play defense. Beware.
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Not Blind Faith

536) 1 Peter 3:15 is clear that what is termed, “blind faith” is not acceptable for God’s children. We need to be able to give an explanation for why Christianity is the truth. No man can prove scientifically that God exists but there are many evidences of the fact that He does. Study and discover
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Follow the Leader

535) James 3:1 tells us that teachers have a greater responsibility therefore a stricter judgment. Why? Because teachers are leaders and leaders must demonstrate honor, love, dedication and so many, many more things. Most of us will nod our heads with this statement but what we can sometimes forget is we are all leaders in
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Every Good Thing

534) James 1:7 tells us that everything good comes from God. Think back to your last 24 hours. What good things happened? Thank God because He gave them to you! Even the things that only He thinks are good.
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What Should I Do?

533)  Through the years I have learned that if I have to talk myself into doing something; it’s probably not a good idea. There is a much better plan for receiving needed direction.  James 1:5 tells us to ask God. He will provide the wisdom you need in any given situation.
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