
The Power of Arguing

552) If arguing with someone over spiritual things promoted repentance and gratitude, God would have commanded it. Arguing is never an effective way to convince anyone of anything except that you are someone they do not wish to be around. How many hearts have been encouraged by arguing?  2 Timothy 2:23-25
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Drip, Drip, Drip

551) Living in strife produces nothing that is good. In fact, Proverbs 10:13 describes it as similar to hearing the drip, drip, drip of a faucet all night long. Making the choice to hold animosity in your heart will destroy you and those around you.
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Well Rested

550)  When you hear the word rest, it’s easy to consider only the condition of our bodies. What if resting is an emotional, spiritual and intellectual condition, as well? Joshua 1:15 tells us that God is the source of rest; all kinds of rest. To wake up well-rested in all these areas is a gift
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Equally Important

549) Sometimes I have thought that God had a closer relationship with Biblical characters. Though He often conversed in a different way with them, Joshua 1:5 reminds me that God is still with me as He was with Moses and Joshua. I am equally important and loved by the God Who is love itself.
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It’s the Thought that Counts

548) Exodus 20:13 tells us not to murder. It’s easy to sit back and say, “I got this!” but do we really? In Matthew 5:21 Jesus tells us the thought of murder is the same thing. Unfortunately, it’s the thought that makes us guilty. I’m glad we live under grace.
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Behind the Scenes

547)  Any organization has people that are hard at work behind the scenes that most don’t know about. Yet, just because you do not see this doesn’t mean these things are not being done. God also does so much for us behind the scenes. He is always working for our good. It takes faith to
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How Bad Does It Have to Be?

546) Genesis 6:5 tells us that the wickedness of man was so far out of line that God needed to send the flood. The question this raises for myself is, how bad is it now? When is it so bad that God will call a halt again? If your finger is at all on the
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Faith Can Be Tough

545) Throughout the Bible, God gives guidance and direction to those who ask. But getting complete directions do not always come ahead of the task. God promises to guide us but in His timing. That’s one of many things that are tough about faith. Genesis 12:1
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The Father of Lies

544) We are warned that Satan is a liar and he’s so good at what he does. He continually pitches us lies and it’s easy to swing the bat, buying into his words. He’s good at making sure his lies hold a little bit of truth. We need to be on guard against this day
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Spiritual DNA

543) We are told in Genesis 1:26 that God created man in His image. Therefore, each person has this spiritual DNA. Whether a person acknowledges it or not, a little part of God is in everyone. This should be a good enough reason for all of us to weigh how we treat others.
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