
Role Model

562) Children generally pick-up behaviors that are modeled for them. For example, if they continually witness strife, they learn to relate that way.  1 John 4:19 tells us God’s children should love because He has modeled it for us. If we don’t love, could it be because we haven’t spent enough time with God so
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Love’s Reflection

561) The old saying, “Actions speak louder than words,” is one of those that ring in truth continually. If we make the choice to be selfish, we are not reflecting God.  1 John 4:8 says it’s easy to tell who truly is committed to God. Do we demonstrate love when we need to apologize for
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You Are Not an Orphan

560) Have you ever felt alone and forgotten? It’s an understandable emotion but God’s children must recognize that that’s all it is: an emotion. Why? Because as God’s children, He adopted us. He never abandons His children no matter what we feel. John 14:18
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If . . . Then

559)  I have struggled my whole life with feeling rejected. It seemed that in many places and settings, I didn’t quite fit in. Yes, some of these have abated as I matured but the sting of my perception is still present. If Jesus, Who is flawless, was rejected by his own people, then I ought
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The Combat Zone of Grace

558)  2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that God’s grace is sufficient. Reading that, I think: OK. Got that! What I had not done is look up the Greek word used here for sufficient. It means to defend or ward off. What I understand this to mean is that if I live under God’s grace, this
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Can’t Anyone Understand Me?

557) There are always buzz words that come and go. Lately, the words, “I just want to be heard” really means, I want to be understood. Finding people who understand a specific situation can be calming and even, healing.  Isaiah 40:28 tells us that God understands everything about me. How calming and healing this truly
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The Truth, The Whole Truth

556) Sometimes when we ask people advice, we are really hoping to find an accomplice. We may want them to say what we want to hear. God does not answer us this way. He will always give us the truth, even if it’s hard to hear. The Truth, The Whole Truth. John 16:13
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I Recognize You!

555) Micah 7:18 and other passages in the Bible have to tell us what God is like. For example, He is the forgiver of sins, patient, kind, loving and more. It’s great that God recorded for us what He is like, even though we’ll never fully know until we are with Him. We have not
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Joy and Pleasure Are Gifts

554) The word pleasure can bring to mind many things that are bad. Interestingly enough, Psalm 16:11 tells us that God is the source of pleasure and even joy. He does not want His children to live without these things. It’s only when they rule over us, allowing us to make decisions based solely on
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Fire Extinguisher

553) No fire can stay alive without  fuel. It makes no sense to try and extinguish it using gasoline. Proverbs 26:20 tells us exactly how to fight a fire of rage, anger, hate and more, and that is simply don’t add any fuel to it. We may not be able to extinguish these fires but
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