
Even the Little

569) John 6 tells us of a time where Jesus had a crowd of 5,000 with Him, listening to Him talk. It came time to eat and all the food that could be found were 5 loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus used the little a boy had to do a great thing. God
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The Possibility of Impossibility

568) In Genesis 7, God asks Noah to do an impossible thing for an unheard-of event. Build an ark so huge it would not fit on a football field. Gather up the animals that were sent to him because rain and a flood are coming – something he have no idea of what it was.
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Faith and the Red Sea

567)  After 400 years, God finally delivers the Israelites from Egypt. Moses led them out and to the Red Sea. Most of us know that God parted the waters so they could walk through but have you considered how much faith you would need to have the courage to do so? I’m picturing walls of
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Bear with Me

566) Sometimes it’s easier to just make the best of life on our own. For me, it’s really because I don’t want to bother others. But we aren’t meant to make it through life on our own. Galatians 6:2 instructs us to share or carry each other’s burdens. If all of us shared or helped,
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Through the Fire and Everywhere Else

565) Daniel 3 records an event that 3 of God’s followers are thrown into a fiery furnace. While in there, these three were not alone; there was a fourth presence . If you are God’s child, the same is true for you. God is right there, beside you. Reach out to Him; He longs to
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No Comparison

564)  Which would you rather experience: someone robbing, killing or destroying you OR Someone who gives you the good life, the way God created us to live? Satan tries to make darkness seem like light but it’s a trap. Only God gives eternal life, one that’s worth having! John 10:10
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Give Me Some Peace

563)  We are living in a time where chaos and confusion abounds. Watching the news can be overwhelming to our senses. It’s truly a blessing that God is the God of peace. Go to Him when you feel overwhelmed. Be at peace.  1 Corinthians 14:33
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I’ll Sit with You

562) One of the best gifts you can give another is to just ‘sit with them’ in their difficulties and grief. We often cannot make it better so ‘sitting with them’ can be just what that person needs. In Psalm 34:18 God tells us He will always ‘sit with us’ in our difficulties. You are
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The Hour of Need

561) Have you ever felt that you lacked something you desperately needed? Ask God to provide it. He illustrates this in the story of the widow in I Kings 17. In her neediest moment, God provided continual flour and oil. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, trust Him to provide what you
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Spiritual Court Judges

560) Our Supreme Court has a serious job. They must listen to all the facts with discernment and then, dole out a sentence if necessary. These judges have immersed themselves in the law, many for decades, and yet, I feel I am qualified to judge and sentence myself continually. James 2:13 tells me that mercy
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