
One Step Down

579) It’s easy to think, “No, I would not rob, steal from or murder anyone.” But consideration must be given to the fact that one bad choice, even if it’s small, can lead to another bad choice and then another one. I’ve always wondered if Cain set out initially to kill his brother or did
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Thanksgiving Requires Faith

the times of unbearable pain? To thank God for allowing the most heart-wrenching things to happen, you must have faith. You have to be willing to say, “Right now really stinks but, by faith, I trust that God will use it for good in my life.” This is not a one-time acknowledgement. I may have
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Peace Comes from Trust

577) Are there people in your life that you trust? If so, being around them is peaceful, even in difficulties, because you trust their judgment, commitment to you and more. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that if we trust that God is in control and has our good always on His mind, we can sit back
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God is Not a Thief

576) Sometimes, without realizing it, we can think, feel and behave as it God is a thief, taking anything that is fun and/or exciting from our lives. John 10:10 tells us that, instead, God gives and gives and gives us good things. Thieves take, God gives.
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Follow the Leader

575) Reading of the Shackleton Expedition to the South Pole, one of his team members points out, “If there is danger ahead, Shackleton always went first.” We may not have a “Shackleton” in our lives but God promises this very thing. Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us that God goes before us, allowing nothing to happen that
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The Choice of Courage

574) There are some who think that courage is something you foster, giving you a surge of feeling invincible. The good news is, courage is not a feeling. The bad news is, courage is not a feeling. Joshua 1:9 reminds us that no matter what we feel, making the choice to act in a courageous
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Controlled Chaos

573) It’s often disheartening to read our newsfeeds. How bad is it going to get in my day-to-day life? The news that brings me hope is found in John 16:33. Even though things in this world are spinning out of control, God holds the reins. He will say, “Enough!” when He’s ready. Be encouraged, God
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The Bondage of the Law

572) Many from my generation (middle aged) grew up under ‘The Law’. We were given a list of things that we could not do and if we failed, we were punished. Though rules are necessary, some of us tend to gauge our spiritual life by how well we keep God’s rules. Yet, the New Testament
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Emotional Addictions

571) It’s easy to think that I have no addictions because I don’t drink regularly nor take illegal drugs. Yet, there are addictions that are subtle. How about being addicted to giving to others so I feel good when they say, ‘Thank you’? How about testing my love ones by treating them less than I
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Loving and Hating are choices

570) 1 John 4:20 tells us that saying we love God, while hating or detesting a brother makes us liars. We cannot choose to love God, who loves everyone enough to die for, and then judge others to not be worthy of our esteem. Choosing to selflessly love others is loving God with our actions.
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